Fort Emergence You start off in your room at Fort Emergence in Avernum. First of all pick up all of the useful objects in the room **********Hint********** Search the dressers **********End of Hint********** Look at the note that says Anaximander Note and it will tell you where to go. Once you get to him (you can get your supplies later) he will tell you to train in Upper Avernum (exit to the south) and once you are prepared, go and explore the surface (exit to the north). Just before the steps up to his office you can go east, then north and there is a man in his shop (called Levy) who, when asked, will give you your allowence, 25 coins per day. Also, he will give you rewards once you have exterminated lovely word) the plagues. Once Anaimander has finished boring the hell out of you (he annoys me so badly...), get your supplies and exit to the south. When you get your supplies, equip all of the useful things and put the junk in that room because you can store stuff in there (and in your mansion when you buy it!!!) By now, you should have exited to the south. Walk east then north, trying to stay on the east wall whenever possible and after a while you will see a cave. Kill the goblins and wolves outside it then enter it. -------------------------------------------------------------- The Goblin Lair As soon as you enter there will be some skulls near you if you have gone to the right place. Cast the mage 'light' spell and kill all of the goblins you can see. Don't forget to pick up all of the money that they drop as you will need every cent you can scrounge up (unless you use the character editor like me ;) ). Go south from the fire, killing everything in your path. Search the chest to get a steel dagger for your warrior although I prefer to play my game with a bunch of mage & priests. Go north back to the fire and go to the west then take the first south. You can get an Iron Short Sword here somewhere. Go back to the second fire and go west and 1st south again. Go through the door to the west to kill goblins and pick up a shield a nice fur. You can sell the nice fur for money!¡! **********Hint********** Chest's usally have importent stuff in them so don't forget to check them!¡! **********End of Hint********** Remember you can go outside to top up your health and spell points at any time because monsters never come back to life. Now just walk around killing all the goblins and wolves that you meet but don't go underground yet. Once you've finished that go up to the North East and from there cross the bridges over to the North West. In the room there will be a lot of goblins and their leader. Kill him and a thing will appear on the screen telling you that you have. Now go out of that building and go south then west (not over the bridge). There will be a pointy passage. Go to the top of that and go west (into the wall). You should emerge from a secret passageway onto an island. Get into the boat and go to the North West part of the lair. Kill the spiders then go west into the pointy bit of the wall into the wall and you should see more spiders. Kill them and check the chest. Now you can get back into the boat and sail to the enterence. Go to the bit where you could go underground and kill all of the wolves and trainers then leave from the same exit. Leave Goblin Lair!¡! Congratulations!¡! You've completed Goblin Lair. ------------------------------------------------------------- The Bandit Lair The Bandit Lair can be reached two ways. The First is the outside map entrance north of the Goblin lair, there will be a small band guarding the lair that will break and run if you press the attack. Upon entery to the Bandit lair there are two passages that are easily accessible. One to the far North-east the other to the far west. To the west is a tunnle with a few Guard rates that leads to a closed portcullis. This can only be opened from inside. To the North-east is a short cave ending with some slimes and a goody or two of mundane nature. To Enter the actual bandit territory you can go either up or over into the air marked by one wall with arrow slots and archers firing at you. To the opposite side of each arrow slot is a secret passage behind two stalagmites, denoted by a different color of wall. Following either of them brings you breifly to a place where you can be shot at a little bit more by some bandit archers and then a main room with a few thugs an archer and a Mage Thug who revels in putting you to sleep. Yawn!!!!! Going North from the Training Circle in which the Mage Thug was standing will take you past some cows and a fence, entering the fenced area will take you to 3 wolves and some food. Continuing north you come to a door. Inside is the Bandit Leader, a mage, and another plain old bandit. Kill them. North is the door into the Bandit Leaders room where you can read about them stealing a statue from the weirdies. This is the Vahanatai crystal stolen from Ghrika. Beside the dresser is a secret entrance to a treasure chest, guarded by a few of those poison thingies, the ones you can't step on or get poisoned. Blah. To the south is a locked door with a difficulty 13. This is where all the bandit loot is. Not an amazing haul, but decent for low levels. Leaving the Bandit Lords building and heading west you will reach another door, entering you should see a small table. The door to the north leads to an evil preist that can cast terror, summon spirit, healing, and smite. Very annoying for a low level party. The altar doesn't do anything. The door to the west leads to the portcullis you found in the beginning. From the room with the alter (where the evil preist was) there is a door to the south, this leads to a room with a chest and a dresser. South again leads to the room with the portcullis. The left most room on the north wall has a secret door on the upper left hand side (West) that leads to pile of sacks and a set of pots. The right most door on the north wall of the portcullis room is filled with some items in boxs and barrels. Returning to the training circle where the Thug Mage was you can go south to a pair of double doors. This leads to a large barracks with an apprentice mage and a few brigands and thugs. In all likelyhood the three doors to other rooms will be open as well allowing the archers to come and pepper you too. Frag the mage and its a cake walk. The rooms to the south and north are somewhat uneventful, although you can find some mundane items. The room to the east has an extra room with a difficult lock to pick that is labeled "Treasure room" theres nothing in it, you should have robbed the real treasure room by now. Head west from the Training circle where the mage Brigand was and go down the sloping path into the Wolf Pit -------------------------------------------------------------- Wolf Pit Entering from the bandit hideout you will notice 3 brigands that can't see you yet. Going from that room there is a kennel to the east with some wolves in it. **********Hint********** The wall to the west is breakable, saving you time and effort in retreiving the Vahnatai crystal (If you take this hint skip down along the marked lines) **********EndHint********** - From the room head south through a long trail killing some -wolves. You'll come to a room where some items are blocked -off by Stalagmights. These can be broken with Move Mountains -level 3 (possibly 2). The small trail to the east leads -nowhere. - Taking the trail that goes west from the stalagmite room, -fight through some more wolves. Follow it until you have -to option of going up or to the right (West or North East). -The path to the West goes nowhere. Continue east until -you can go left or right. Going right takes you to -another system of tunnels filled with some "Boy I wish -I were strong as those adventurers" wolves to a large room. Take the path above the one you came throught (northern most trail on the West wall) to a room with some wolves and the first toughy, a worg. Woooo. Bah. Kill 'em and head to the dead end to on the North Wall. Go to the end and go right, follow this upstairs to the Vahnatai Crystal, claim it and head back down stairs and down the trail. This time go to the left (South West). Follow the trail, kill some goblins, and you're at the underground entrance to the goblins fort. If you came in from the Goblin Lair, you will need to follow this in reverse. ------------------------------------------------------------- Ghrika Ghrika is divided into 4 sections. To the South corner are two mind crystal, one which offers nothing useful the other which warns you and allowed you to buy Vahnatai Lore. To access these you will need to talk to Rentar-Ihrno who is in the West corner. It may take a little fancy talk but she will eventually lower the barrier that blocks you. The West corner also houses a Spine Beast, something I would only advise going against this early if you have the Soul Crystal and the spell Capture Soul lvl 3. Its spitting attack will paralyse your PC, making them easier to hit and dealing them more damage. There is also a secret door just above the blue crystal box in Rentar's lab that leads outside to a ruby. The area around the ruby is filled with poison tiles, so take care. The North Corner has a crystal shaper who gives you the Vahnatai statue quest and upon completion the Soul Crystal (enabling you to cast Capture Soul and Simulacrum). The furthest building to the North corner is a weapon smith who will only sell, not buy. He has a selection of waveblades and razordisks (personally I used my fine waveblade for a while). The room to the East Corner is to be ignored until certain triggers, needless to say you can't go there quite yet. Also when approaching Ghrika by boat you can (with the aid of dispel barrier or a Piercing crystal) access a pair of crystals that will teach you Simulacrum and Capture Soul lvl 3, they require rune reading around 30. You can also access the ruby by boat. --------------------------------------------------------- Upper Avernum Lizards: Speaking to a wandering woman in Fort Emergence will provide you a quest to find a messanger whom she has be awaiting for some time. West of Fort Emergence there is an area walled off by stalagmites and normal cave wall. To enter go to the east side of the wall and take the secret passage into the stalagmite area. You'll have to fed of a few lizards. At the end of the stalagmite path there is the body of the courier. Check it, take the message, and return to the lady in Fort Emergence. Cows: A Nephil in New Cotra (Hmrrr) will ask you if you can hunt down his cattle for him, he will describe their brand for you. These cattle are to the south of the town near a forest. This forest should be recognizable because there is a wandering band of 1) Cows 2) Chiterach Larvae. Or there was chiterach larvae if you already killed them. Just reach the cows and you will recieve 2 messages. 1 involving meeting cows, 2 involving recogniing the brand. Return to New Cotra and talk to the nephil again, telling him where the cows are. Bugs, oh my!: In New Formello you wil have the option of trying to "Do what you can" to help the sliths to get more warmth. Talk to the sliths, then Commander Ace and offer to destroy the bugs. Had back accrosed the bridge and south West to reach a small tunnel shaped like a short spiral. Crossing the final bit of the spiral starts a fight. You will have to fight 6 fights to clear the bugs. 2 fights) 4-6 larva 1-2 Chiterachs. 2 second fights) 4-6 larva, 3-5 chiteracts. 2 final fights 3-4 larva, 4-7 chiterachs, 2 null bugs. The Null Bugs can be targeted with spells the first round (before they act), which is a handy way to keep all your opponents targeted by spells. Return to the fort and inform the commander and then your slith buddies. One of the sliths will join you once you have done this quest. He/she is a priest who can hit quite hard. Ice Slime: The Mayor (also barkeep, this is a horribly frequent occurance in A3) will offer you a job, eliminate an ice slime that has been ravaging the city. Accept and head to the forest south of new Cotra (where you found the cows). There is a tunnel on the West wall (not hidden) that leads to a patch of ice (blue pattern changing tile). Walk up to it and you will be offered the chance to enter the "icy lair" do so and you will be assaulted by 1 Ice Slime or Pudding or whatever it is, its a breeze. Burn it to death or beat it with weapons and return to New Cotra to collect your prize. ----------------------------------------- !¡!The Slime Quest!¡! Yes! You are finally ready to take on the slime quest!¡! For those newbies to Avernum, you can train yourselve in certain skills. To do that you have to go back to the room where you started and then go south, looking on the west wall for a door. The first one will be the dining room but go in the second and press the train button next to your characters head (on the right side of the screen.) Now, when you're ready, go to the north gate and walk through. Walk out a little bit and most of the screen should fill up with a description of the landscape. Go back and tell Anaximander about it then return. Now go out and then south, you will bump into a few different coloured slimes, fight them, they're a cinch! Now keep going south until you get to a river. All exile 3 players will remember all of this. Now go east, following the river until you get to a big city (not a little hut). Enter and explore the city. Go see the mayor and get the quest to destroy the slimes and it's source. Now go and find a bar called The Crusty Sailor, enter and go up to the bar. Talk to the lady next to the bar (not behind it) her name is Dawn and she will tell you that she saw a light on the coast to the west. That's all the information you need from Krizsan (that's the name of the city). Now exit that city and go west. Go around the big lump in the land then back east. You should see some guards standing on a path. Go up to them and attack!¡! Now, enter the agate tower. Once in it, go west and kill the archers. Go south through the door and kill the mauve (pinky) slime first as it has magical powers (*sarcasam* woooh, scary *End sarcasam*) South through the door, kill everyone and go to the north-east room and down the trapdoor. **********Hint********** Don't forget to pick up all items of good value, such as rings **********End of Hint********** Now go east then south (how many times do I have to write south?¿?) down the passage then south(not again!¡!) into the room with the alter. Do not pray or you summon a very hard fight for a low-level party, even for some high level parties too!¡! Go through the other door and fight the quite difficult spine worm then go south (again!¡!) You will see Bojar and he will summon slimes and disappear. Fight the slimes then search the south wall in the west corner for a secret passage. Go through, kill Bojar (isn't as hard as it sounds) and unlock his door and go into his bedroom. Read the book on the pedastool in the north-east corner and really read it!¡! It gives you lots of helpful hints (and tells you where to go!) and tells you, most importantly, that the slime pits (we will find those in a minute) are vulnarable to fire (bolt of fire comes to mind). Now exit using the ladder you used before and climb out of the pit and leave. Now, go back to Krizsan and go east until you see a ruined town. Don't enter it, just keep going east and then you will find a pathway going into a mountain-thingy. Follow it and you should encounter some slimes up it and then you enter the Slime Pit! ---------------------------------------------------------- The Slime Pit Enter and go west a bit, then a message should come out and slimes should fall from the roof and attack you. Once you've dealt with them, you should see an excavated piece of land with a ramp and a button thingy in the middle. Go up to it and press the bottom-left button and then go to the bottom left of the auto-map. You should find a passage going down quite near the corner. If when you go down the gates are open, it's the right one. Go through the gate and kill all of the slimes. You should see a pillar with Ha Ha on it. Lame spiderweb software joke *sigh*! Now go back down the east wall, searching for a secret passage. Go through it and as soon as you see a pool, start fighting mode. Kill it with bolt of fire (a mage spell) and all the slimes it produces. Now go back up the ramp and back to the button thingy. Press the button up from the bottom left one and go south, then west until you find poison thingys. Cross over them and somewhere near there should be another pathway down. Go down, through the gate, hop in the boat and go though the islands. Blast that pit then go back to the buttons. Press the next one, and by now, if you haven't realised, look at the automap and the next gate should be near that spot on that. Do each one like that and on the last one as soon as you go down, go west and destroy the pool. Now you can keep going west and over the rune. Kill the alien slime (very difficult, took me around 13 bolt of fires, or you could do what was mentioned on the forum, cast spray acid then maybe terror, and hide around the corner) then go north, although you can't, go to that bump that sticks out and go west and north, looking for a secret passage. Go through there until you get a message that you have seen the rune and exit the whole place. Go to Krizsan and tell the mayor of your acomplishment and get a reward! Now go back to Fort Emergence and tell Anaimander of your trip. He will tell you to go to Berra, do that. She is in the south east corner of town, just north of the lady studying animals and she is in a library. Tell her of the rune that you saw and she will tell you it's the rune of Erika, the evil Arch Mage. Now go to the man (Levy) who gives you an allowance and ask him about accomplishments and he will give you a reward!¡! Congratulation!¡! You've completed your first major quest!¡! ------------------------------------------------------------- Guhbar's Pit Guhbar's pit is directly north-west of the agate tower (where you fought Bojar) and it is a hole in a hill. Enter and go west, wait when you see the spirit thing then follow it, go north then east and if you're game enough (like me) kill Guhbar. Now keep going east and look in the chest to the south (without a trap) and get the key. now go to the north and rescue Irrilie and get your reward (money and 200, might be 250 xp) and leave. ------------------------------------------------------------ The New Formello Murders!¡! This is only the time that I got the mission but I'll now cover the New Formello Murders. Anaximander will tell you when you can do this, so don't do it until he says. Go up to New Formello (exit south, go north-west) and talk to Flanagan (in the inn). He will tell you to go and explore the cave to the north, go there and enter. At first, you'll have to fight some chitrachs and then you will discover the bodys. The cave doesn't look like much, but for those experienced Avernum game players, they will realise that there has to be a secret passage. There is one, on the north wall in the east corner. Go through there and your first test is to go through the stalagmites (or stalagtites). Go to the north west corner and go south, south, east, east, north-east, south-east, south, south-west. Yay!¡! That took me about 3 minutes to write down so be thankful, Drakey didn't do that. Now keep going and save your game now, you'll find out why in a minute. Go and you can find out where the click spot is, now, reload your saved game and walk just before that, get into fight mode, and get a character to step there. It'll trigger chitrachs fighting you, but that way you get to go first! Now keep following the path, and every so often, fireballs will get you from the ground (if anyone finds how to get past them unhurt, email me). I have to admit, I used the character editer at this point although healing potions or the heal spell would be a better idea. Now, keep going, and do what we did before in the final battle. Now go in and a message will tell you that you find a key. Exit, tell Flanagan, and tell Anaximander. That's the end of that quest!¡! (If you're wondering, that key is used in the very final dungeon.) ---------------------------------------------------- The Roach Quest!¡! Start off by either going to Farport or the hut (from the hill go out and north not through the unicorn passage then west and you will see it). If you choose Farport, go there (I chose the second option so I can't tell you where it is) and hop into a boat and go to Port Townsend. Otherwise, take the teleporter in the hut to Shayder. Either way, go to Shayder (on the west of the island) and enter. Go and see the Mayor and she will tell you of the roach troubles. Now go and see Arkly the librarian in the north east corner of town. Ask her about the drawings and you will find out about the intelligent spiders and Purgatos. Now exit Shayder. Go to Bavner, don't enter, and go north and a little west. There you will find an enterance to a place in the hillside. Enter and go north and a little west and you will find a spider by the way they arn't hostile) guarding the leader spider. Tell him the leader spiders name is Spider (very original!¡!) and he will let you pass. The chief will tell you to go directly north west and you will find a circle. Exit the cavern and do that. There you will fight a lot of roaches. Once the battle is finished, go back and tell the chief what happened. He will tell you of friendly roaches who live directly north of there in a clump of trees. Exit and go north until you see steps going down. Enter the roaches cavern. Find the roach called Filth Spreader (at this point I'm starting to think Jeff doesn't like the slime in his bath or cockroaches!¡!) and talk to him. He will tell you of a place called The Filth Factory and where it is hidden. Exit the cavern and go to Kuper (on the south west side of the isle) and take the ferry. Go south to fight a drake (or you could add him to your soul crystal later on) and take all the money and good things he has. Now go to the building in the middle and go inside and north to a barrier. As long as your not low on health, walk through and it will hurt you a bit. Now go and see Purgatos and get the Phoenix's Egg off him and leave and take the boat back to Kuper. Now go north until you reach the end of the island and go west until you reach Hectar. Now follow the road south a bit until you see a brown hill thing. Go to the west of it and fight you way in. Go straight east through the wall and then go through the north door. Kill the fungi then use the north north east passageway and kill everything in your way. Go through the locked door marked 'To Control Room'. Enter the portal with the strongest character selected. Go through, fight the wights and roaches and enter the room. Kill the guardian roach then get the curing potion from the table. Now go to the working control panel and press Deactivate L1 & L2, I think it's that, it has deactivate in it though. Now run back to the portal and jump through. Go out and to the south door, through there, pull lever (I think there's one there, or maybe in the next bit), unlock the west door, and through the beam thingys before they reactivate then go through the trapdoor once in the room. Go to the vent room and pull the lever (there's only one) then go to the room to the north and pull the middle lever (out of three) after a few paces there will be rumbling, then an explosion. Go back to the vent room and through the portal. Now, go to the west via the north side, kill the roaches, and enter the maze. Go through it until you get to the center. Grab the red scale, then plant the phoenix egg and run!¡! Once you've outrun the quickfire, go up the ramp in the south west and exit, just as the Filth Factory explodes!¡! Now you can go tell the mayor of Shayder of your acomplishment, then Anaximander. Also, show Berra in Fort Emergence the scale. Then tell Anaximander. Yay!¡! You've stopped another plague!¡! ---------------------------------------- Orb of Thralni Quest Anaximander will satrt off by telling you that the orb has been stolen. Go and see Levy and he will tell you to go and talk to Seles (in the portal keep). Do as he says and she will set the portal so when you walk through in you will end up where the thieves teleported to. Step through the portal and you wil be in the middle of a fighting ground, and you're the target!¡! Fight your way to the south and exit the place. Now you can walk to the west, around the trees, and then go south taking a secret passage in the west wall. Go over to the docks and nick a boat and row your way over to the place in the middle, going through their docks. Enter, fighting your way through, and go to the south (once you've opened the door, dur!) Unlock the southern most room, enter and search the chests until you find a key. Go to the north and then west through a door which leads to a courtyard. Go through the door in the west wall, the southern door, with your key and then take the purification walk (to the south). Every time you go past a water thing, wash your hands (touch the water is the option) and when you keep walking it will say you're clean. Do that three times until you reach the door. Go in, take the orb and the regenerating crystal and leave that room. Go to the north-west of the place and enter the portal room. Try to step into the portal and start the fight. Once it's over, go and press the power button on the control panel. Now you can go through the portal, bringing you out in the bandit cave. Now you can exit the cave and go tell Anaximander. Yippie!¡! You've now got the orb for yourself!¡! -----------------------------------------