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Well I have a new web page now GamerX (this is the page that I will be updating).

Sorry it's been so long, but new here has been s-l-o-w and with me working on Dark Lord 3.0 (it will have two new maps with it one of them "The Great Cave 2 Ries of the Undead")and a traner for one of my other games I havent posted news much.

You can get the frst great cave map Here at AoW heaven in there single player maps.

I have finished making the banners for my page and I think it looks a little better. Please e-mail me any bugs you have found in my mod like spelling errors or units making the game crash, anything!

I'm trying to get Strategy Planet to host my web page, and I'm still working on some banners and a better look for my page.

Dark Lord 2.1 just came out and you can now download it too. It just fixes some bugs like me not giving it the right installer.

Have any news or update's? E-mail them to me at