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Zonograf BarGif:  Zetteler's Zonograf Page
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photography & phonography
                                                     Zonograf RingAnim:  Index Page

          created by
Mike Zetteler
to present some photos, sounds & videos

 Zonograf Pointer:  Browse FilesZonograf Browse Box:  Follow LINKS to Media
           SoundsZG Sounds Icon:  Click Links for Media              Videography                Images
She Comes in Colors . . .
Don't you wish you could?

[for Caryll Caine]
ZG WebCam Icon:  Click Links for My VideoGreetings fromZonograf Video:  Start Video Greeting
Views of My Life  [coming soon]
Slum Goddess
Wedding Song from the '60s

[for Susie]
ZG WebCam Icon:  Click for Skyline View from Riverview Floor 10Skyline from Riverview
East Kane Place East to
  Lake Michigan & West to
  Humboldt Blvd. &
  South on Arlington Place

ZG Camera Icon:  Go to FotoZoneFrom the 15th Floor
Photos of Milwaukee's East Village
Neighborhood by Tom Yelvington
of the Riverview Apartments on
Kane Place on Lower East Side
Like my reporting.
Techno-Jazz, sort of.
Landscape Grown Cold
Maffitt & Davies -- 1968
Saddest Song Ever Recorded.

[for Eileen]
Ritter on Life & Rye Whiskey
The first [1947] stays with you.

Zonograf Links Box:  Follow LINKS to Internet Sites

                                                          Zonograf LinkGif:  Follow Links for Internet Favorites     

Air America
ZG Link Icon:  Go to Air America RadioLiberal Radio From Al
Franken, Janeane Garofalo,
Marc Maron & the Gang
Robert Ingersoll Archives
ZG Bulbous Link Icon:  Go to Ingersoll for EnlightenmentThe Great Atheist Brings the
Enlightenment to Those Who Missed It
ZG Links Mug Icon:  Go to Teri Regano's Lair
Bar-Stooled Jewel of the East Side
Chelsea's Journal
ZG Link Head Icon:  Go to Chelsea's Journal
Strange Fruit  for These Times Zonograf Foto: Rad Keener, Webmaster"radical
ZG Typewriter Logo:  Go to Z-Blog at Zone II For Online Journal of Media Criticism & General Commentary
Eukey's Vinyl Solution
ZG Link Notes Icon:  Go to Eukey's Internet Album SalesFor Recycled Music.  Play
mean .mp3 ode to Condi

Died March 19, 2006
My Bio
Zonograf Editor Mike Zetteler:  Go to My Yahoo! ProfileFor the curious, as carried by Yahoo!
Zone II
ZG Links Blog Icon:  Go to Zone II for Blog, Media Criticism & Fiction
For fiction, ReMediaL Writing
 & Z-Blog
Gibsons' Info
ZG Link Face Icon:  Go to Gibsons' WebsiteMilwaukee
& Family Now in Japan
Ollman on Marx
ZG Link Marx Icon:  Go to Bert Ollman's Marx Project
Prof Teaches That Old-Time

Zonyx Report
ZG Links Celestial Logo:  Go to Zonyx Report
Countercultural History, Fiction & Reportage
Harvey's Homepage
ZG Link CD Icon:  Go to Harvey's Music Website Longshoreman/Musician Taylor
Holds Forth.  New
CD with Mike Link. Read Review.
     More to come . . .      Zonograf E-Mail:  Message to Webmaster
© copyright 2005
     Mike Zetteler
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