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Biography :–: Facts :-: Wallpaper :–: Images :-: Men :-: Women :-: Fan art :-: Quotes :–: Credits




This is my all-new Chyna page. I have updated it and finally finished it by cheating. I did not type all the codes by hand because it takes to long and well, I needed these pictures off my computer.


OK, so i haven't posted articles yet and the picture is screwy but who cares i'm tired. And most images are not up and ...i think that is all that is not done. No wait, layout and links. Layout won't be done because this was the first one and links are hard to find. sorry. Well, I hope this page does Joanie justice. This site just is not my first priority. I just wanted to finish what I started, so I rushed…and cheated…I’m so ashamed…Don't expect anything new here anytime soon. I'm startngs a Lita fan page now.


But anyway, I hope you like the page and hopefully, all pics are credited properly. If not, contact me and and I will take it off, or label it.



