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Witchcraft Tools

Athame :

This tool is usually a black handled, double edged knife and is strictly a ritual tool. It is a symbolic representative of the element fire and represents the male aspect. It is usually used for casting circles and directing energy. Athames can be used to invoke the quarters, release the quarters, and are customarily used to assist with blessing the waters of life inside of the chalice. The athame should never be used to cut anything except in certain situations such as cutting a door way in the circle to allow others to pass through, cutting a cord in the event of a release or a passing over ritual, or other obvious situations. If you aren't sure whether it is appropriate to use it or not, remember it is a tool strictly used in ritual and should be considered sacred. Use good judgement.

Sword :

The sword is another ritual tool that can be used as a tool for sovereignty and authority. It is also a symbolic representative of the element fire. It is considered a representation of the male aspect and can be used in the same manner as the athame, although it obviously isn't as practicle nor as cheap. This isn't used as much as the athame among solitary Wiccans and pagans.

Chalice (Cup) :

The chalice, or cup, is representative of the female aspect. The cup is the symbolic representative of the element water. It is used to hold the waters of life. Once the waters of life have been blessed during ritual, the chalice is often passed around the circle so that all may share in it by symbolically ingesting the Goddess and the bringing of the Goddess within. This helps us become closer to the Goddess and take in the Divine. We receive Her blessings when we do this.

Broom :

The broom is used for sweeping any harmful or negative energies from the area that the broom is cleansing such as your house, room, circle, sacred space, et cetera. Of course, on the practical side, you could use it to sweep your floors. Oh, and no, witches do NOT fly around on brooms. That was invented a while back and originates from the practice of sympathetic magic. Pagans were usually town folk and farmers, so of course they wanted a good crop. They would go out at night and hop around in the air as high as possible trying to show the plant how high to grow. Apparently somebody saw this and blew it out of proportion a loooooong time ago.

Boleen :

Usually a white handled knife, used in rituals for carving and cutting things such as magical symbols we may want to engrave on a wand, staff, candles, et cetera, so as not to harm the energy within the athame. This is the knife that we actually use for cutting things (!ˇNOTHING ALIVEˇ! Sacrificing animals isn't our thing)

Incense Burner :

A heat resistant, or preferably fire proof, container used to contain a hot coal for burning incense. The incense is symbolic of air, while the coal is symbolic of fire. It is used to cleanse and purify the air within the sacred space, or used in cleansing of a home. It also helps us to get more into the "ritual mood".

Wand :

The wand has long been known as a tool of magic. The wand is a tool that is gentle in nature and has the male aspect. It is also the symbolic representative of air. It is another tool that can be used for casting circles, directing energy, invoking and releasing the quarters, and casting of spells, and some have used this in place of the athame or sword.


Usually a wooden pole often of shoulder height, it is used basically in the same manner as the wand. Like the wand, the staff may be decorated with crystals, symbols, feathers, or just about anything that makes it your own.


The cauldron represents the gift of birth, death and rebirth, as well as knowledge and inspiration. The cauldron is a female aspect and is a symbolic representative of water, and also a representation of fire. It is used to toss burning papers that we are using to destroy negativity as well any burning objects for precautionary purposes. Also, some use it to brew certain potions or formulas; it has many uses.