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Storytelling Programs

Apple Time
Valentines Day
St. Patrick's Day
Earth Day
Women's History Month
Tall Tales
Native American Stories
''Down Under''
Sneak Preview for Summer 2005


Thirty years ago I told my first story to a group of children. When it was over, a little boy asked where the story was. Confused, I asked what he meant. He explained that since I had no book, he wanted to know how I knew what to say. Storytelling has been a part of me all my life. I grew up listening to my father's tales of of his family, and the wonders of snipes, wampuspussies, and other woodland curiosities. As a musician, the introductions to songs had stories in them. As a teacher, I used storytelling to entertain and teach. Oral tradition is a gift I want to share with as many children as I can. Most shows are an integration of storytelling, music (vocal, story related instruments), and a quick craft the listener can ''make and take''. Originally specializing in Native American stories, over the years I have broadened my scope. So many stories out there... Please realize that if you have a theme or specific story you would like developed into a show, I am happy to do it. I find it quite fun.

Yours truly,
Luanne Bauer Sobczak (Story Smith)

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