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Region in Conflict /Across America/on Location

Ashleigh Banfield tour Across America 1 year later: August 2002

Seattle thru New York in 14 states.

Ashleigh was the host of Region In Conflict

This Candian born journalist has a special gift when she

Interviews and brings us the news from around the world.

Since Sept 11th Ashleigh has been almost everywhere...

New York City

Washington D.C.

London, England

Israel,Ramallah-west bank

Islamabad, Pakistan

Peshawar, Pakistan,The Khyber Pass in Pakistan

Jalalabad, Afghanistan

Kabul, Afghanistan

Tora Bora, Afghanistan

Amman, Jordan

Petra, Jordan

Ashleigh has also done broadcasts from various locations in

Afghanistan such as:

The Kabul Zoo,A Kabul Prison

The Kabul Olympic Stadium

Bagram Air Force Base

TV Mountain in Kabul

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul

A Landmine Detection Center

Region in Conflict from other areas.

Jerusalem, Israel,Tel Aviv, Israel

Ramallah, West Bank

Beirut, Lebanon

Damascus, Syria

Tehran, Iran

Afghan Journal: The Hotel Kabul

A tour of the prison in Kabul where 8 foreign

Christian aid workers were held for almost 3 months.

Afghan Journal: The New Leaders

A look at Hamid Karzai and the interim government in


An Exclusive Interview with Yasser


Here's the link: Interview w/Yasser