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Dreaming the Dead

Dreaming of the Dead
Have you ever dreamed of your grandmother standing at the foot of your bed saying goodbye, only to wake up and realize that they passed sometime in the middle of the night? Or have you dreamed of someone you knew to be dead and they were chatting with you as though the were alive?

There are a few people.. and they know who they are.. who will tell you that these dreams are of your own concoction. That they are a way of your mind trying to brace you from the shocking reality or trauma. However, if you dream of someone saying 'Goodbye' BEFORE you even know of their death.. well, just how does one go about explaining that away?

I'm bringing this up mainly because it's happened to me before as well as a few other family members. And as much as I'd like to think that it was my mind bracing me for anything, my mother's influence suggests otherwise.

As I had just started out in my serious Wiccan and magickal studies (now mainly Wiccan), my father passed away unexpectedly. I was never really close with him (for a reason I'm willing to keep private) and of course my emotional breakdown at his funeral was a came as a major shock to me, let alone my mother. That night I drove back to the house that I shared with him, and stayed there for several months by myself, and my dog. Naturally I found it incredibly hard to sleep, and the flag I'd been given remained locked in my car (I was convinced it had his spirit). Somehow I managed to fall asleep.

A few months passed and I moved in with my mother after selling the house. And that's when the dreams began. I had had only one prior but it's not very relavent for nothing was ever said. That, and it's personal. The first, and sadly one of the last dreams taught me more than I expected and I carry that with me to this day.

For some reason the dream took place in a grocery store, in a state I no longer lived in. I saw him at the end of an aisle that was facing a checkout counter, and he urged me into the office. There we sat in silence for quite some time and I was very well aware he'd been dead for a year. Then he spoke, "I want you to know that I'm sorry. Tell your brother and sisters that, because I am very sorry. I know that I wasn't much of a father when I was alive and not who I should have been. There's nothing I can do about that now. I just need you to forgive me. I can't right what I've done to any of you kids or your mother, and I can't hold on. There are many more lessons that I have to learn and I can't do that if you can't forgive me." Before I realized I could speak, I woke up.

A few weeks later I was talking with my very good friend 'Storm' on messenger and he told me that I had to let go. That for as long as I mourned him... or in my personal case was naturally infuriated at him, he would not be able to cross over. I didn't really understand it because I thought that I had let him go years before. But turns out that even anger can keep a soul from moving on.

After I let go (and don't ask me how I did it, I don't know) the dreams stopped.

So if someone ever tells you that it's your mind preparing you... respect their opinions. But only you can draw your personal conclusions.