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Seth's Website

There is an area in my life that I like to call fun. In that area I like to call fun I play a game online which is much like Risk, if you've ever played that. The game is known by the acronym WOK, World of Kaomaris. There are currently two versions of WOK, 4 and 5, with WOK: MW currently under development.
Another part of my life.... a big part of my life.... is writing. I just happen to be considered a poet by several people in the Fox Valley area and will be posting some of my poetry here. Feel free to *borrow* as you please but don't claim that you wrote this. It is mine and therefore will remain to be such. Feel free to read.
Links around the website...
Valentine's Day Tradition
Group One

Hot Linx

Dedication is the key to winning at this game.
Soon to be transferred over here.

will be transferring what I can from the old site to here.....Angelfire is so much more dependable.....

Questions? Comments! Concerns - Just send 'em to this addy and I might get back to you...
