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My Home Page

Things that are coming soon

My Favorite Web Sites

My Comics, anime with a sci-fi twist, ever wonder what happens after you shut off your games?

My G ames, games for everyone!, games for the evolved gamer., another any gamer site
My Cheats, cheats for any occasion!, cheats for the programmer in everyone, they did it first, they did it right!

This is for all the kids that thought they could never find games, comics, and cheat sites all on the same page. Well, I had that dream too, and now it is a reality! So if you don't want to type that mess up at the top in ever again, just hit ctrl+b and bookmark this site. As I am adding to this site every game, cheat and comic site I find come back and see if you agree with my ratings. If you find any I haven't mentioned and you want on the site feel free to email me! The site that lets you have a say in the stuff in it!

The e-mails working again! Like I said before, want to see something new, or if I forgot anything, or of you want your name on a site, let me know! I will give you credit for your ideas and will put your name up in the description!
