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~`MeNOmONie'S GQ bOyZz`~

BaCk iN tHe oLd dAyz wHeN tHey UsE tO bREak...eVen tHO iTS gOne...RiZiNg gLoRy RiSe tO toP!

...LuE, DaVid, LeNg, FuE...

*hEres pAcHaCho hANg, luE vAng, aNd bEe vue* (nOt ciG's...iTs rAve stiCks)

...iTs tHe gUyZz aGain...

*MeNomONie aNd EaUcLaIre pPls @ eCpARty...fOr THe UniVerSitY*

*tHe mENomoNie gUys aT GB for LabOrDAy* ...front: Lucky Vang, back of Lucky: his brother Darell Vang (beSt wiShes wiTh you at the MariNES!) Back of Darell: Bill Xiong, Ilan Hang, Kong Hang, dunno that girl, Avie Xiong, and Bob Xiong....

*Top: Leng Vang, David Vang *Bottom: Avie Xiong, Lucky Vang

*tRiggEr haNg*

...hEre's TriGger TireD from V-baLL!

*Lue Vang*

*BoB xIonG*

*KoNg HanG*

*PaNg xiOng*

*lEnG vAng...oNe of my cLosEst bUdS*

*Tou Yee funnY bUddY*

*Kao Vang...hE's a TerD!*

`~*Back HOmE*~`
