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:: TonyS DisclameR ::

ThiS SitE ContainS GraphicaL MateriaL NoT SuiteD FoR ChildreN UndeR 18, ThereforE If U R NoT 18 (NoT ThaT GivE A FucK If U ArenT) PleasE Do NoT EnteR. In ThiS SitE ThereS DownloadS, If FoR AnY ReasoN Ur ComputeR BlowS Up, FrieS, MalfunctionS, KickS U OfF, MeltS DowN, Or AnythinG ElsE, I (TonY) CaN NoT Be HelD AccountablE FoR Ur AcctionS.

Do U AgreE WiT ThiS DisclameR??

SorrY KiM!!!! My MotheR FuckinG ComputeR CrasheD!!!! So HiT Me Up At My E-maiL ( AnD Ill GeT BacK To U,
LuV U LotS

::: If U AgreE TheN HiT YeS :::

(: YeS :)
): No :(