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Fish scene carved on wood slab 
Lisa Christopherson 
N1703 Johnson Road
Melrose, WI 54642

Another nature scene 

Lisa Christopherson lives in North Bend Wisconsin.   She has been doing art projects all her life, but just recently got into chainsaw carving, after a trip to Superior, where she spotted some carvings made with a chainsaw.   She carves mostly on white pine which is easily available from local loggers.

After the actual carving, Lisa does something she calls "torching".  She chars part of the carving with a blow torch to get a dark brown color.  She uses this for most of the animals she creates because it shows off the wood grain.  For pieces that need color, she uses ceramic paint thinned with water so the wood grain still shows through.  She then finishes the piece with polyurethane. 

Lisa does carvings of animals and people. Send her a picture of a loved one and she'll make a carving for you!  Challenge her!   She also carves pictures and scenes from nature. 

Here are just a few examples of Lisa's work

An Indian and Cowboy

A Totem Pole

A Bearcub

A Pig


For more information or to request a carving, email
or phone 608-488-3003 and ask for Lisa!

A Welcome Bear

An Eagle on a Flag Base

A Horse Head



Indian and Cowboy


Man with patch

Various animals

Click here to see more of Lisa's work



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