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Caer Anterth Mawr Youth Activities


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Welcome to the Minister of Children's site for the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr.  Here you'll find the youth activites offered in the Barony and helpful information for youth in the SCA (Society of Creative Anachronism).  If you have any questions of comments please do not hesitate to e-mail them to me at   In particular I would like to hear from the youth in the Barony and abroad with ideas for things that you would like to see and do.


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Upcomming Youth Events

Regularly Scheduled Activities Suggestion Form
Advice for Youth in the SCA Advice for Parents in the SCA Links and E-mail List Info

All information provided on this site is entirely the opinion/responsibility of the author.  This is not an offical website of the SCA, inc. or any other organization.  No copying without permission.