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What makes Bernie King different...?

I am the project leader of a team, writing and implementing custom written software, with a budget of approximately $400,000. If all goes according to plan the client will save in excess of $8 Million. We are behind schedule, and ex rival for the project leader job is slowing the project down intentionally. I set up a meeting whereby I caused him to berate me in front of the client - berate - he walked all over me with the intent to kill. I did not defend myself nor offer any excuses. “Then you run the project” said I. I walked out of the meeting, fully knowing that his ego would make him and the team work so much harder, and the project would be completed on time and within budget. Later I phoned the client – he understood what I had done, “you hired me to get the project completed”. The client was dumbfounded that I would go to such lengths. 

not bad...

Situation: I am the project leader of a 12 member software team with a budget of $400,000. If all goes according to plan the customer will save in excess of $8,000,000 in taxes. 

Problem: One team member is disrupting the project and we are behind schedule. There is very little chance we will make the deadline. If the deadline is not met the customer will not enjoy the tax saving.

Solution: Set up a scenario so that the team becomes a cohesive group against me and sides with the strongest team member. I remove myself and the disruptive team member takes charge.

Bottom Line: The strong ego of the disruptive member took over and the team made the deadline. The client was impressed “no ego, just get the job done”. We consulted to this company for an additional seven years.