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Almost Finished Woodworking

My Favorite things about Woodworking.

Excellent Web Sites Excellent forum for woodwokers Great step by step pictures of products and projects The best damn tools out there Need a good roofer, here's one in Wisconsin

the Angelfire Gallery of Fine Art (eat your heart out Ansel Adams)

Woodworking Projects and our shop

Almost Finished Woodworking specializes in custom built poker tables. E-mail for a consultation of your gaming needs. Don't settle for a straight, go for the royal flush with Almost Finished Woodworking

Flip Top table 54" wide

Perfect for the weekly poker game!

Easily flips from poker table to dining room table

A deck of cards and a cool beverage, what more could you ask for?

Another satisfied customer:)

The 65" Deluxe Poker Table

A trunk made for my girlfriend Sara:)

Our shop, in need of cleaning

The old man playing with the new table saw in the summer of 02'

A pic of USA VS RUSSIA Chexx Hockey, the greatest game ever!

Another view of the trunk for Sara

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