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How many of these questions
and doubts have crossed your mind about QuiKnot?
You will be amazed at the answers.

Why would I need QuiKnot?
With your fishing time relatively short, you want to make the most of it. QuiKnot will make changing baits quicker, leaving more time to fish.

I am not very good at instructions, will I be able to use QuiKnot?
Yes, you need not be a pro or seasoned angler. QuiKnot was designed for the youngest of anglers. After a few seconds, you will have a QuiKnot attached to your line.

Am I to believe QuiKnot can land a fish without my lure tied to the line?
(NOTE: This is a question we receive alot.) Once you get past the idea of fishing without a knot, you will see the results. On our comment page are many tributes to this question.

What size fish can be landed using QuiKnot?
Most any size fish can be landed. We have seen fish from panfish to northern pike being landed.

Have you noticed QuiKnot releasing the line as a fish is being fought?
No, in all cases we have studied, the line will break before the QuiKnot will release. The QuiKnot actually tightens more as it is pulled.

Does it matter how many times the line is wrapped around the shaft?
We recommend at least 5 times for maximum strength.

I fish for larger then 35# fish, is there a QuiKnot for those?
Yes, custom QuiKnots have been made for larger fish and special applications. Send us your requirements and our lab will design one.

I enjoy the concept of QuiKnot, but I am not a angler, are there other applications for QuiKnot?
Each day we find more places QuiKnot can be used. People have requested different sizes for applications ranging from dog leashes to boat anchors. Let us design one for your needs.

Send your design requests here

This page was last updated on 3/22/2002