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When the AfriCam community lost our very dear cammer and friend, Pupiluv (Judy/WI), candles and lights were lit all over the world in a loving tribute to her, and other expressions of love poured out from all over the globe,
and still do.


Pippa, the Community Officer of AfriCam, lit a lantern at Gowrie lake for Pupiluv, so she could "find her way to Gowrie," as she told her children.




Mickey, the husband of another one of our dear lost AfriCamming friends, Judy/Va, sent a beautiful "eternal light" to Lloyd, that will burn forever.




Judy will not be forgotten by her many AfriCamming friends, and some of them fondly share their memories of her with us here, for us all to enjoy and treasure forever!


"I know that "Pupiluv" was always on the Boma and we talked a lot about animals or fishing every day. We will never forget Judy because she is still in our hearts."
Ton & Herma

"My memories of Judy/WI are related to ecircles/Africam and the way that I could always count on Pup to post a picture or two and that she always found the time to say something nice about everyone else's pictures.  She was always there with a helping hand and a smile to boot.  She is our Guardian Angel now." ^i^ 
Kathy Gedrich

"There was a pretty intense discussion taking place on the boma when I decided to make my first appearance.  After stating my opinion, instead of a reply to my point of view, someone called Pupiluv stopped the discussion to take the time to welcome me.  Then everyone went back to the topic of the moment.  I have no idea what was so important at the time that I got drawn into the discussion, but I never forgot how everything came to a halt just to welcome me.  I've been a regular ever since."

"My first personal contact with Judy was when I wrote a letter to her telling her how much I enjoyed her spirit and sense of humor.  We didn't write often because we were both busy, much of that time online on the Boma and watching the cams. But if I remember right, I think she was looking for another job, or had gotten a new job.... gosh, time goes by so quickly it's hard to keep it all straight sometimes. So the emails dwindled. One day I sent her a link to a big cybercard site and told her she shouldn't tell anyone about it because she always took the time out to find just the right one, from a place none of us had seen before. This was all in fun and we felt like we had a secret.

She wrote back and told me that she really didn't send all that many cards out but thanks for the link. Hmmm. Well, that didn't make sense. I knew her to send bunches of cards out all the time and for no special reason... just when we needed it. And sometimes, when you least expected it, she would send a snail mail card and it even had confetti in it!!

Is any of this starting to sound familiar??

One day, shortly after that, I asked her where she got her confetti from and that's when it all came out. I had the wrong Judy! LOL! The whole time we had been emailing to each other I had the wrong Judy.  But, I gained a new friendship with Lloyd's Judy by shear happenstance. We laughed pretty hard when we found out and I did finally get that card link over to JudyOH, but it was during this time that I came to know Judy, Lloyd's Judy. So friendly and sweet and always had such nice things to say.

I do miss her spirit and laughter... and 'the secret' we shared for a few short days. I'm sure that all of us will one day end up seeing her again and we'll all have a good laugh together about our time at Africam.
ps: Do they have confetti in heaven?"
Debbe Morningstar

"I use to see Pupiluv on the Boma and we talked occasionally. I guess the thing I remember most was going to ecircles and seeing all the WOWs on her pics! LOL She really loved showing them off in ecircles. I also remember thinking Judy reminded me of a Hummingbird! LOL The way she flitted around the boma talking to everyone. She was a very happy outgoing person who loved the animals and Africam as much as anyone I have seen."

"I was a newbie in eCircles when I met Pupiluv for the first time. I couldn't wait to show off my Africam pictures in this new place. Whenever I went to put a picture in, I noticed that Pupiluv would many times have already put that same pic in the album. It soon became a friendly race! LOL I would fly to eCircles to try to get a picture in there before she did, and the result was both of us bombarding the place with picture after picture, and hardly giving anyone else a chance to put pictures in! haha After a few weeks of this, the "five pictures only rule" was unanimously adopted, and I couldn't help but giggle, wondering if we had something to do with that new rule! LOL We saw one another there and on the boma many times, and she was always a sweetheart, and so much fun to talk to. I was really broken up when our races finally had to end. I still miss those friendly races, which I usually lost! ;) She sent me such a kind email when my picture was in the running for Picture of the Year, telling me she hoped it would win. I'll never forget that. Although she was suffering, she was always still thinking of others. It is my absolute pleasure to help her dear Lloyd create something in memory of our beautiful and kind friend, Judy."

Iona saved these two postings from the boma and shares them with us:

Posted by Sharon in Ohio on November 26, 2000 at 00:46:43:
"I remember when Judy (Pupiluv) first started posting on the Boma. I thought she was so nice and so pleasant. For the longest time, I was trying to make "pupil" something out of her name. Then one night, on the Boma she explained it and we all had a good laugh. I was surprised to find out that some other people were trying to do the same thing. Sometimes we overlook the obvious, but this time......the "obvious" is obvious to everyone. Judy has gone to a far better place and there are lots and lots of pupi's to luv. Rest well, Judy."

Follow Up
Posted by Iona on November 26, 2000 at 01:00:07:
"Oh Sharon ..I remember being stuck on the "Pupil" bit too and thought she must be a teacher. Perhaps I was not so wrong - she has taught us that warmth and caring can effect so many people's lives and in ways that, though they might not seem obvious, are still profound."

"I didn't know Judy all that well, but remember that she was one of the
few people to respond to postings by my son, Pierre - it gave him such
pleasure that somebody had bothered to answer his "Hi!" on the Boma.
Her kindness in this has always meant a lot to me."

"What I remember most about Judy is her enthusiasm and excitement whenever an animal would appear on the cams.  She would get so excited and post its whereabouts on the boma if she spotted it first.  She was like a little child who had seen Santa Claus for the first time.  She was genuine in her love of animals and people.   You would never hear unkind words from her, oh sure she would get upset at things and make her feelings knows but she was fair.  I remember how much she used to enjoy posting and viewing pics in e circles she would always comment on everyone's pics and then go that extra step and tell the person who posted something positive in an email.  I can't remember how many e mails she sent to me saying how much she enjoyed the pic I had posted, or congratulating me on highlights or POD, or something.  She was a true Africammer in every sense of the word and a good friend to many.  She was kind to everyone and if anyone needed help and she knew the answer she was right there.  She never complained even though she was going through hell especially in the end. She loved life and lived it to the fullest.  She loved her sweetie Lloyd who stood by her side no matter what, and what a gem he is.  Even in her e mails you could hear the love in her writings when she talked about him, her family, and her sweet little dog. Very little was mentioned about what she was going through she always tried to keep things upbeat.   I don't think any of us can ever see a fish again and not think of her standing there holding that big one lol, just another something she loved so much. She was one very special lady she is and will always be missed by all."   

"Remembering Pupiluv..... Where would I start? She was a precious gift to people all over the world. She always had the time for everyone. She was pure beauty clear through. I know she has passed on but I would have to say if I had to pick the one thing she did special for me that I miss so much was when she announced in giant letters that my ellies were there and she was so excited for me the day I saw them swim. She said, "Somebody peel Shari off the ceiling!" Brings a smile to my face through the tears. I miss her more than words can say. She said everyone and everything was special in their own way and that somebody had to love the big grey things. My daughter Diane got to know and love Judy. They both loved the dogs & Diane loves the wolves. She encouraged her to draw animals and take pics and get on the Boma. A week or so ago there were wild doggies on Africam. Diane said, "Look there are Judy's puppies!" She never sees them without remembering how much Judy loved them and the time some were killed and we all grieved their loss. We will always miss her and feel priveledged to be her friends. She is not struggling anymore to breathe. She has the breaths of an angel like snowflakes on the newly fallen snow. She flies about on snow white velvateen wings watching over us all, especially Lloyd. "Look after Lloyd" she told many people. Lloyd looks after all of us. He is special. Sharing Judy's pics and innermost thoughts has to be very hard. Thank you Lloyd. It means so much to those who love her as you do. Thanks to Carol for helping him with this enormous task."
 Shari in Va

"I discovered Africam in April of '99.  Do you remember the old boma?  Of course you do, heeheehee....  Anyway one day I had popped in on Boma, I didn't know many people at all.  At this time I was also a newbie where computers were concerned.  I was reading along with everyones conversation, and at this time also we could post our email addy with our post.  I noticed Judy had mentioned something about fishing to someone.  I thought... How Coool is this? Another fisherwoman!  Soooooooo, I decided to be very nosey, heehee, and I sent an email to her.  I asked about her and of course, fishing.  Anyway, she wrote back , to my amazement!  Judy was the most lovely woman, kind, caring, funny too.  She asked about my family; she thought all of us were Japanese.  LOL !!  I suppose that could be an assumption.  Anyway, I wrote back with details; but, I also stated I was a honky !!!   LOLLOL....... I sent it off, and then I realized... she doesn't know me at all!  What have I done?  What if she finds this offensive?  I was so stressed!  It wasn't tooo awfully long; although it felt like an eternity at the time, she did write again.  Judy didn't say one word about that particular description of myself.........  I was sooo relieved, I didn't question her on it , and I Never said it again either!   As I learned more of how to operate this computer, I became daring, and would search for fish/fishing gifs.  I would send them off to her in mail; and she would give me a pat on the back.  She was so wonderful to me.  This is my memory of Judy; one that will forever stay with me."
Fuji Rose

"Wow - memories - it has been so long and yet seems such a short time ago. Judy made herself known almost as soon as she logged into Africam - never being shy about learning or asking questions on The Boma and always ready to help when she could. Most memorable for me was our late night camming experiences and posting to share with others as though they were anticipating our pictures. Poor JudyOH was tearing out her hair as we filled albums - sometimes too busy to delete the duplicates even. It was a terrifically friendly competition - neither of us caring for more than getting good pictures up for others to see. There were others posting as well of course and I'm certain all felt frustrated by Pupiluv's ability to get there first - but she was always there - thankfully. How I wish we could do it one more time...."

"Judy and I stayed up most nights, she camming and I either camming or doing something in our eCircles. Each night she would send me an e-mail telling me what she had done that day and what she had planned for the next. The best parts, of course, were the fishing reports. On really good nights, there would be pictures. That girl could fish! She used to get so tickled when the big fishermen would gaze on in awe as she reeled in one huge fish after another. Judy's e-mails raced at a furious pace, as did her life. She was always concerned with the needs of others. The fish she and Lloyd could not eat were prepared and distributed to many others who thoroughly enjoyed them. I was always amazed at how much living and loving Judy packed into each day of her life. She would fuss and worry if she felt she wouldn't have time to do all the things she wanted to do for others every day. I remember how she worried when she thought she would not have time to finish hand painting all the Halloween pumpkins she wanted to place in her front yard to delight the children and her neighbors. She took her duties very seriously. Those nightly e-mails were such a joy. The little angel who wrote them now resides in my heart. I feel her company just as I always did. Judy entrusted us with her most prized treasure, her dear Lloyd. Now his e-mails light up our inboxes every night. They are a gift born from the extraordinary love shared by two very special friends. Thank you, Little Angel. Your love lives on."

Do you have a memory of Pupiluv (Judy/WI) you'd like to share with us? Email it to Carol and it will promptly be added.