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It's time to get rid of that old broom stick.

 Are you tired of bending over to move the ugly 2x4???  Then it's time to look into the sliding door bar locks.  The Lil-o-loc is an adjustable lock with a roller and track which makes it very easy to use, and easy to install.  When you shut the door, it is locked without any further action


lil1.JPG (17091 bytes)                   lil2.jpg (15131 bytes)

click on any picture to see an enlarged

view and then use your browser's back button to return to the page

this product can be yours for only $45.00 

plus $5.00 shipping and handling

(please specify door size when ordering)

click here for more information

(send check or money order to)

2401 Russet Street

Racine, WI 53405


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