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this is gonna be my last update for a while, im gonna completely redo my page, with frames, and hopefully and flash intro, but who knows how long its gonna take me, considering how im on little im on the computer other than for diablo. well u shouldnt stay to long, u'll get bored, c-ya


home 2 days early, i was supposed to come home the 7th, but o well, i missed home. i have some fun stories to tell, but that will come later, its late, dont feel like typing, so if u want to hear them sooner, just im me, s/n is angleofdeath609. c y'all later.


im leavin town 2morrow, going to kentucky, im sure it will be *fun* as my parents quote. oh well, im gone fore 10 days, so e-mail me or something, for those who dont know it,, well i really should be getting to bed, i leave in about 6 hours, so go away now.


i have yet outdone myself again, u see i have hacked into vandenvbussche's site and changed everything,cept for his update, the title, the link, and the little picture at the bottom. his password was so easily figured out, and none of u can have it. now i have the power to do what i wish to his site, this could get fun *grin*. oh yea, the reason for no updates is diablo II, and workin on a new section which i hope to get up soon.


well sam has sent me another e-mail saying he can beat me up, oh no, so scared. if i wanted to trash talk you, i would do it right here, not in my guestbook, i have no clue who wrote that and i dont care, im not asking for anyones help i will deal with you myself, oh and when we go to play hockey, you better bring your shoes, otherwise it wont be fun for me at all. well now thats all sed and done, the stupid people who were servicing my counter, decided not to be free anymore so since i didnt want to pay them, it is now a link to their site, which will be removed while i do this update, cause i refuse to let people link to them through me. so now i must find a new one, that sucks, cause now i gotta start over. oh well shit happens.


i have found a new addiction. RPG Maker2K (2000 for stupid people) of course i have to mess around with new technology. its a pain, but i will eventually have a new rpg for all you gamers who like to try new games. on a side note, if anyone read that signing from sam, well so far nothing he sed he would do has happend, like i expected. Some other kid signed my guestbook talkin shit about sam, one thing i that the kid sed i think is right, i really think ur gettin whipped sam, by the way you write the same exact thing twice in matts guestbook and in ur update on matts page about her. i dont know cause u go to ike and i dont, but the way you are talkin makes that impression


the site listed below is known as starman's earthbound page or something like that. its about a fairly popular SNES title called Earthbound. while wondering around there, i found a cool little font, so download it now. saturn font just open up the windows folder, and then the fonts folder, and copy it to there, then you can use it on your computer for anything such as aol instant messanger, or you internet browser. well thats all i could muster up, back to work.


to many updates close together but my cousin was over and he finds the oddest sites, so while checking out a site he put on my history, i downloaded these two movies from super smash bros. batter up


nothing else for today.


to many updates for one month, but to be a nice guy here is a link to my friend crystal's web page. well i have nothing new cause i had all my fun yesterday.


i seem to have gotten another threat in my guestbook, wow, am i supposed to be scared of some kid who thinks he is the biggest toughest guy in the world. i personally dont care what people think about me because its useless we all live we all have friends we all die, nothing makes a difference. one day that kid will get everything he has deserved and when he does i shall laugh. though this does greatly anger me, so i say let him find my house and attempt to beat the living shit out of me. i dont give a fuck, i could win, he could win. he wins though, he is sued and most likely sent to jail for a conspiracy because he sent me a letter, and also assult and battery, so he can choose as he wishes, but would it be worth it, well im gonna go type basically the same thing on matts rant page, i dont have a link cuase i dont know the url offhand, but its accesable from his page so here.


for anyone who reads my guestbook the entry put in today by the one who thinks he is "god" bows to me and is pitly nothingness. he has be proven to be clinically insane so worry not about his useless blabber.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B-net is down, meaning cant kill and/or destroy stuff on diablo II. this sucks. but i brought you a spiffy movie of Zero fighting Sigma, enjoy.(and yes i said spiffy). movie

alas, for some reason i could not log on to matt's rant page, so i havent been able to do a rant yet, so as soon as i can talk to him, i'll post one.


wow, it has almost been a month since i updated, well i have been searching around i found some stuff, and im gonna try to put together a flash 4 intro like i have been for a long time, but i can never remember the website to download the program, so once school starts up again, i will ask my friend who knows. here are some pictures i have been meaning to put up, but i have been lazy.

also i have found a partner for the protector of my site, his name is zero, here are a couple of pictures of him.

also matt has asked me to add my coments on his rants page, i will rant about diablo 2, unlike sam who only rants about his girlfriend like a little girhimself. well i dont feel like writing anymore so stop reading.


well exams are over, of course i never have to worry about them, because i have the ability of passing any test i take without studying. I havent been on much, im addicted to diablo 2. sorta like matt and playin ultima. if anyone out there plays online, just join the us west server and look for me(right now i juse and amazon, and her name is melany).


first of all, happy new year everyone from your pal scott. well since it is the new year, i didnt want to come back empty handed, so here is a funny movie of stick figures just beating the junk out of each other, i thought it pretty nifty. stick figure fightwell for any of you who are new viewers to the page. you can talk to me anytime on aol instant messanger, my s/n is AngleofDeath609. tell me what you like, what you dont like, i'll change the page to how the people like it.


The Missadventures of Adel the Crazy Cart Guy

for all of you who know me, i am a lowly cart pusher at the meijer at 16 & dequindre. well there is this old muslim guy (not saying anything is wrong with muslims)but he does the craziest things. like one day, it was raining pretty bad, and i was outside like normal, no rain coat, just my faithfull hoody jacket, it was soaked half way up the arms, and the old guy is just sittin there, wipping the carts off oustide so there were dry when they went inside. he wasnt helping me at all. One other time on x-mas eve(yes i had to work that night) me and a couple other guys were talking about santa clause, and one of the guys didnt beleive in santa. so we ask crazy guy if he beleived in santa, and he sed yes, we told him the one guy didnt beleive in him, so he called the kid a jew, and then later called him satan and the devil. also, it was just yesterday when this happend, he was yelling at one of the other cart guys, and actually told him to go home, the other guy got mad at him and grabed him and told him he better leave me alone mother fucker. so then the one guy goes home, and adel, being the crazy guy he is, goes up to the manager, and in the middle of the store, goes that mother fucker called me a mother fucker, he better not call me a mother fucker again, he was shouting this in the middle of the store, everyone was staring at him. he should be fired, but they wont, because the meijer corporation is a nice corporation, and right now, he is technically not an american citizen, he has no green card, and to stay in america, he has to keep a job, so they wont fire him. today, me and one of my other friends were outside, i was helpin him because he was on the other side, and he was byhimself, so we were gonna clear the whole lot, we get over to my side, and one of the greeters came outside and told us we needed carts inside, well i asked her where crazy guy was, she sed she hadn't seen him for over an hour. he was inside pacing back and forth between the isle ways doing absolutly nothing. he also bought coffee on the job, an action which is not allowed when ur on the clock. and he walked around the store some more and talked to the guests(we dont have customers at meijer). if you want to see what im talking about just go there, he works like everyday, but late shifts, like 2 ta ten, and stuff like that.

also a word of the wise


Merry X-mas, happy chaunaka, happy kawanza, and all that other good stuff
well did everyone have a happy holiday so far, i have, except for having to watch my brother, thats the only reason i'd be home. im now addicted to a new game, diablo II, its fun, cept it wont burn for me, the bastard. if your in to games like ultima, war craft, start craft, and age of empires, you should get this game. well lets see, this week is gonna be so boring, because most of my friends are in band and they are going to florida,(good luck in your marching). for now go download a song called underdog by audio adrenaline, its a great song.

yay!!!! only 4 more days till x-mas, with in the spirit of giving, i will give people something, i just dont know what yet, give me some ideas, now!. oh here are two roms, i wanted them on here so i can download them on my computer and play them at school, like a naught little person. Super Butoden Super Butoden 2. for anyone who d/l my emulater and like dragon ball z, download these two roms. oh yea, i fixed my background, it doesnt repeat itself anymore, once again i have proven my computer greatness. oh well, im out.


whoa, it took me a while to create a new page, thats why i havent updated in a while. new section these are dragon ball z music videos. if something doesnt work, please notify me right away, and there has been something weird with the guestbook, so if it doesnt work, i cant help you there. Wednesday the shs j-v had a meet against warren mott. we took 18 out of 30 points. i was only in two games, but i bowled a 189 and a 236.


i was once again grounded, but i have come back, and i have fixed everything. i now have not 1 but 2 computers hooked up to my modem, and Scott's dad couldnt figure it out, and he is a technology person. now i am supreme. he he. oh well. lets see, what else, oh yea, bowling meet wednesday, i'll update with my scores. um, im gonna upload all of my snes roms, so that you have something to play off the emulator i gave you. until then, pece.


sorry it has been a while folks, the cable guys didnt come for a week after they scheduled us, so i was without the internet for a week. but now i am back and faster than ever, i brought to you a new background. i might change the theme song, but i have to find a cooler one than that, and that might take me a little while. we still dont have a president, i still think i should be elected, and this will happen to anyone who opposes me. i'd watch out if i were you.


one thing im tired of, the presidential election that is going on, arent you. we would have had a president by now, but they are acting like little girls and whineing about recounts and crap, thats is our future, it is scary, besides the fact that all the people i know are the future too. i think you should all just elect me, i will turn the country into a dictatorship, but i will not be evil like hitler and that other guy in russia, and i will introduce the dollar system, where everything shall be worth a dollar, and then no one will give a shit who has more money, because it will all be worth a dollar. anywayz, i've been trying to upload games for the zsnes program fo you people, but for some reason my computer doesnt like me, when cable modem arives, it shall be done. oh yea another thing, i have been debating over, should i keep my long hair, or should i get it cut short again and spike it, lets make it a sort of voting thing, im to lazy to get one of those stupid poll things, so just send a message saying keep the length, or get it cut, to me


I am finally getting a cable modem!!! oh, sorry about that, but im just a tid bit excited, because over a year of d/l at a peak of 7k per sec, i will be able to peak at over 300k per sec. This new improvment will be happening november 11, which is one week from 2morrow. well lets see, im waiting for my friend to come online so i can begin my quest into a dragon ball z rpg that him and his friends created on their web page go there and sign up just so i have someone to beat up.


wow, wasnt that a little trippy down there, oh well, um friday was Scott's party, i had fun, i had girls sitting on my lap, and i also taught them how to play poker and black jack you'd be surprised that they couldnt play that, but they could play euchre. oh yea, here is something nifty for you folks to play. computer super nintento i dont have any games uploaded yet, but i will post them as soon as posible.


yesterday was homecoming, i went in a limo, with my date,amber, and 12 other people, it was fun, we ended up at the dance, and then i lost my date for a while. the dance ended and i the lights turned on and i found out i was in my school, that was pretty kreepy. went to dinner at luciano's, where chelsie sang a song, and we scared many people, and their phone beeps constantly, making it not able to hear the person on the other line. we got home later than then we were supposed to have the limo for, but we did, we are rebels, now i really tired and bored.


now some of you people may be confused on something, yesterday people seem to think it was my birthday, but in reality, i have no birthday, i was just simply placed on this planet 16 years ago yesterday. well thats all for today, i will show you many funny pictures as soon as i get my scaner, which shall be in a couple days

mega man now defends my page, so all beware of his wrath, for he becomes stronger after every time he battles, he is unstopable. mwahahahahaha. see, watch this time line of evolution of the one called mega man. first form: to his seond form: to his third form: and to his form for the time being: so beware of the guardian, for he is only nice if i say so.

Tools of the Future!!!
now many of you peoples may be wonderin what im am talking about, well im talking about rubber band guns, they are really fun, and i think every kid should have one just to irritate your younger or older siblings, i know i had fun shooting my brother yesterday when my friend brought it over. i highly recommend this, so go out and get one.

well i had managed to do it again, i was yet grounded again, for the disterbing reason of not doing household chores, im guessing its been around a week since i was on, but im not sure, cause i dont really care, ummmm lets see, yes, hmmmmm, what can i talk about, oh yes, the subject of my b-day, will you people stop bothering me about it(especially ashley),i do not wish to celebrate it, for me its just like another family reunion, where i get money, because i never really ask for anything. well anyway, on to other things, like something else,(ahhhhh, cant think, brain malfunctioning) oh well, and um oh yea, netzero has proven to be yet another pain in the ass, just when i thought i could get rid of that little zero port thing that is supposed to appear, it updates it self, and my nifty trick doesnt work anymore,and thats pretty gay, because i am the hero, and this is a battle i shall never win, like goku and trying to get chichi to let gohan train, but you would have to be a dbz fan to know what im talking about, but i will try and surf around to find some cool new shit to put on here, so for now, go bug someone else


computers are dumb, i remember updating my page yesterday, but it didnt save my work, so i think the angelfire network shall be beaten. on a side note, today was the first day for me at stevenson, (go titans) i really dont want to start school up,i was quite content sittin at home doing nothing getting occasional visits from Ashley or the matt, so now i go back into my lost world of immoral values and such shit, so go bother someone else.


yet another update, i havent done anything interesting lately to post on my page about, cept yesterday i kinda had a little party, well a bunch of people just came over and demanded to go in my pool so i let them, oh and i just made a new thingie, if you have any complaits or disagreements with my page, send all hate mail here. and for now, im must try and remember my passwords to work on my dragon ball z page, so i'll be sittin here typing in anything that i can think of, untill i run out of ideas, so adios for now


well hello again, sorry havent updated, for one i've been working on my final fantasy 7 page, and for two, i havent done anything worth telling people about, but my g/f is outta town, as of most of my friends,(because there in band, or on vacation) so now im really bored, but i brought you a picture of mini sephiroth, hes from final fantasy 7, so go check out my page, even though it isnt quite finished yet.


well i was gonna wait till 2morrow to update, because then it would be a new month, but i was bored and i brought you some funny new pictures to look at, so here is the first one

mark, what the hell were you doing.

and here is my other one

if i saw this sign on a road i would laugh my ass off. well anywayz, now that i have a new life,(my g/f) im not online as much, cept for night time, like usual because i cant see her most of the time because her mom has something against guys. but enough of that, i'm also starting a final fantasy 7 section, because well its just an awesome game, i recomend playing it, the beginning is just a little confusing, but it explains itself buy the midle of the second disc, so have fun and enjoy, and dont forget to sign my guestbook.


holey moley it has been a while since i updated this thing, thats because i have a long story to tell, it starts from a couple weeks ago on july 7th, a friday, my last day of drivers ed, we(me, shane, matt, gabe, jeremy, dave, nick, and who ever else desides to play) were playin hacky sack, when i kicked it a little to hard and it landed on the roof of stevenson(where my drivers ed is, duh) so after about 10 minutes of countles trys to get hit, dave and nick decide to lift me up and well i was on the roof of stevenson, dont believe me, well just ask anyone that was there, but then there was the problem with getting down, since dave and nick couldnt reach my feet anymore, i just kinda let myself fall, and then everyone sed i was crazy. well i could have told you that. then after drivers ed, i was off to indiana were i stayed for a week and met some new people, and was sexually molested, but a guy never cares, unless its another guy, which for me(thank god) wasnt. and then i got grounded because i was having fun and didnt check in with my parents, so for a week after i got back, i wasnt allowed on my computer, so i hung around with jamie and ashley for a couple days, and was visited by doris and marina, so i was occupied, plus my job, just nightime was a little boring, but i got through with losing any more insanity, well anywayz if you want to know any thing else just ask me, and sorry, but i havent had enough time to surf around and find any cool javascript for my page, but now that im back on, i will find it as soon as possible, so until next time, this is me, signing out, peace


well today after going and bugging holly for about an hour,i wondered around on the internet and found this one javascript that she liked, so i decided to put it back on my page,and after about 8 trys, because this one website gave me the wrong scripting, it finally works put mouse here so have fun, and dont abuse it like the push me button, he he.


well, how do you like my little led sign. sometimes i amaze myself with what i can do, the only thing i dont like about it, is that it lags a little when its loading each message, but after its gone through and you have read it once, just hit stop, and everything will work all better, k. now on to other things, like this friday i will be going away on a trip for about a week (9 days to be exact) some of you will miss me, and others will be glad that im gone, but you are entitled to your opinion, it really doesnt matter, i just dont want any e-mails yelling at me to go and update, because i wont be able to access a computer. and 2morrow is the day of explosions, that's right, its 4th of july, even though i wont be participating in anything this year(like anyone would trust me with fireworks he he) i'll find some way to do something fun. and in closing play with the push me button, just keep clicking it, a new message will appear everytime, just dont click it after the pop up, or you will go back to the page you were just at, k.


going going gone, sold to the uh....... uh........ i like jello?

sorry i havent updated in a while, but i have been banned from my computer since last sunday, because well i was bad, thats all that is need to be know buy you people, and matt are you happy, i finally changed my web page around, so shut up about it already. and well i dont know, my efforts to make a pictures page are useless for now, but now that i have my "wonderful" job, i will be able to save up for a digital camera, so all the pictures i take will go directly into a floppy disk, and samll enough for angelfire.


i can finally drive, i have a permit to legally drive till july 7th, when my drivers training is over, and then i can go to secretary of state and get a regular, drive with parent license, and start calculating my hours, so in december i will be able to drive withou a parent, yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well as you might have noticed, i have changed the ants into these cool little balls that just fly around ur mouse, i thought they were better than the ants, how bout you guys. i was gonna put this thing where when you click, where you click it explodes, so i could have people pretend to kill my little attacking boxes, because that could keep some people occupied for hours, but it didnt want to work, so i had to find something else, well thats all for today


up late and bored
guess what, my web page is gone, well not really, but all the rest is in an archive i made today, so if there was anything you wanted from the old section just click on the link above to get there, and im sorry about the color of the page, if you cant really read it, im sorry, it was the most compatible color i could find with that background,so if you have trouble reading it, just click your mouse over it and you will be able to read it, ok, sorry for the in convenience, well thats all for today, cept, working and drivers training in the same day sucks, and i've been really tired, or have had no time to do anything, and that sucks, i'm used to having nothing to do, but i'll survive this, its just like school, well sorta. well bye.