Company C

Company C

George M. Humphrey	Lodi	       9/7/1864 A.Aa.I.Gen and Ord Officer
						from Sept 26, 64 to June 20, 65
						M.O. June 20, 1865

First Lieutenant						
Robert Steel		Dane	       9/7/1864 M.O. June 20, 1865

Second Lieutenant						
Cassius M. Bush		Racine	      7/29/1864 From Co.A, 19th Wisc. Inf.
						  M.O. June 20, 1865

Enlisted Men						

Avery, james M		Dekorra		8/29/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Baltuff, Thomas		Lodi		8/27/64	Sergt.:M.O. June 20, 1865
Barnes, Harvey S.	West Point	8/30/64	Musician; M.O. June 20, 1865
Bitney, Alfred		Dane		9/1/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Brown, Richard K.	Lodi		9/1/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Burlingame, Ranfall A	West Point	8/16/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Burlingame, Leroy J.	West Point	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Burrows, John		Merrimack	8/31/64	M.O. June 11, 1865

Chase, John B.		Lodi		8/20/64	Corp: M.O. June 20, 1865
Chrisler, Austin	West Point	8/30/64	Corp: M.O. June 20, 1865
Chrisler, John W.	West Point	8/30/64	M.O. June 15, 1865
Church, Frank		Dane		8/16/64	Corp: M.O. June 20, 1865
Clements, Stephen	Lodi		8/29/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Cole, John		Mackford	8/30/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Cooper, Martin M.	Merrimack	9/3/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Crosby, Daniel H	Dane		8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Curtis, William E.	Lodi		8/23/64	Disch. June 5,1865
Davis, George R.	West Point	9/3/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Densmore, Noah C.	Merrimack	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Donohue, Morris		Merrimack	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Donald, Joseph W.	Dane		8/13/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Early, Charles		Dekorra		8/29/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Edwards, William H.	Lodi		8/29/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Evans, Justus		West Point	8/16/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Foster, Horace A.	Lodi		8/27/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Gamsby, Harvey D.	Dane		8/20/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Gardner, William D.S.	West Point	9/2/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Gardner, Edson		Dane		8/27/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Groton, William		West Point	8/16/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Hartson, William H.	Lodi		8/27/64	M.O. June11 , 1865
Haskins, Benjamin F.	Dane		8/9/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Hinds, Lemuel P.	Lodi		8/27/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Hovey, Samuel K.	Merrimack	8/27/64	Disch. June 5,65,
Jenkins, Harrison G.	Merrimack	8/27/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Jessmore, John		West Point	8/20/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Johnson, John		Lodi		8/5/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Keebaugh, Welford	Dekorra		8/29/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Keebaugh, George W.	Dekorra		8/30/64	Corp: M.O. June 11, 1865
Koch, Daniel		Richland Center	8/16/64	M.O. June 11, 1865
Koch, Henry		Richland Center	8/24/64	Drowned, Mar.2,1865
						Cairo, Ill.
Kuster, John		West Point	8/17/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Lacy, Benjamin B.	Rutland		9/6/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Lamb, Henry S.		West Point	8/29/64	Corp: M.O. June 20, 1865
Lang, William.		West Point	9/1/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Lewis, John N.		Lodi		8/20/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Lewis, Stephen M.	Lodi		8/30/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Loose, Charles		Merrimack	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Lyman, Lewis		West Point	8/30/64	1st Sergt.M.O. June 20, 1865
Lyman, Walter		West Point	9/3/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

McFarland, James	Dane		9/2/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
McIntire, Luke		Merrimack	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Morter, George		West Point	8/29/64	Disch: June 13, 65
Northup, Hiram S.	West Point	8/16/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Pagles, John		Merrimack	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Pigg, Charles		Merrimack	8/31/64	Sergt.;M.O. June 20, 1865
Pool, Patrick V. M.	Lodi		9/29/64	Corp: M.O. June 20, 1865
Potter, Charles S.	Dekorra		8/29/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Proper, Phillip		West Point	8/27/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Quiggle, John B.	Merrimack	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Richmond, Edgar		West Point	8/29/64	Prom. Prin. Musician
						Sept. 26, 1864
Richmond, David L.	West Point	8/29/64	M.O. June 11, 1865
Riley, Edward F.	Lodi		8/27/64	Corp: M.O. June 20, 1865
Ring, Charles		West Point	8/20/64	M.O. June 11, 1865
Ryder, William		West Point	8/20/64	Corp: M.O. June 20, 1865

Schofield, Sands L	Dekorra		9/1/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Scott, John R.		Lodi		8/20/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Shaw, Henry A.		Lodi		8/15/64	Sergt:M.O. June 20, 1865
Shultz, Frederick	West Point	8/20/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Sperry, Nelson D.	Merrimack	9/1/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Starring, James P.	Dane		8/12/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Starkson, John		Lodi		9/1/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Stephens, Eugene A.	Dekorra		9/1/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Stephens, Oliver P	Dekorra		8/29/64	Prom. 2nd Asst. Surgeon
						Sept. 26,1864
Stoddard, Carlos L.	Lodi		8/26/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Thompson, George T.	Lodi		8/13/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Thompson, Chris		Lodi		8/13/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Turner, Hamlin L.	Dekorra		9/2/64	M.O. June 11, 1865

Wall, Hillyer J.	Lodi		8/12/64	M.O. June 11, 1865
Washburn, Sylvester C.	Dane		8/16/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
West, Walter S.		Portage City	8/26/64	Died May 27, 1865
						Cairo, Ill., disease
Williams, Orlando	Lodi		8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Woodley, Jeremiah	Lodi		8/30/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

York, Dennis		Dekorra		9/1/64	M.O. June 11, 1865

1st Lieutenant Robert Steel

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Wisc. 42nd Vol. Inf.