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I really like his stats they are perfect for an energy deck!

Apocalyptic Survival (GJ)
Acts as a level 4 Energy, Fighting, Strength, or Intellect attack. May make 1 additional attack.

A good special for the spectrum KO. Also it is off stat in three types! Put it in!

Illusory Reality (CW)
Avoid 1 attack. May not be attacked for remainder of battle. (OPD)

Yes a good special. He will be attacked I will garantee it!

Sinister Creation (FF)
X-Man's Hits to KO is reduced by 5 points and Energy Power cards are +3 for remainder of battle.

Not a very good special I'd maybe put one in if I new for sure that Illusory Reallity was in play.

Street Prophet (EE)
Avoid 1 attack made with a Power card or remove 1 Power card Hit from X-Man or teammate.

A very good special. It also is good for the team healing.

Ultimate Potential (MC)
Acts as a level 11 Energy, Fighting, or Strength attack. X-Man's team may not attack for remainder of battle. (OPD)

My most favorite special in the game! Amazing! Must put in!

X-Man has 4 out of 5 good specials so I'd give him an 8.5/10