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"A man without a wife is like a fish without a bicycle."             - a chinese proverbVengence's Lair"You can go a long way with a smile, but a smile and a gun will get you a lot further" - Al Capone

Welcome...welcome. Please come in and sit for a while.
Come in and learn about the paradox which is me.

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"Don't expect anything then you won't be dissapointed."        - Victor Ransom


Around my brain lie walls of concrete,

Made of visions so playfully made,

Now a mazed prison for my mind.

Into blackness,

Stared and scoffed at,

Floating endlessly.

Ripped and torn,

Standing broken,

Lost in darkness.

One of these may be my key,

Or all combined to lift the walls

And unlock the prison gate.

Oh how I long to be set free...

Or do I?

Victor Ransom


"Imagination is more important than knowledge."                     - Albert Einstein