10/20/01-- in the bayou

10/20/01-- in the bayou

TJ: Jenny, what did you do last time?
Kate: stuff.
TJ: That won't do.
Kate: I'm not Jenny.
TJ: STILL won't do.

JT: (adamantly pushing people away)
TJ: Where are you headed?
JT: Oh, I don't know... (shrug)

Len: No this is not the BIIIIG bookstore... (moving hands apart)

JT: Cars dont' leave scars.

Randolf: Nine? What is it like 8:45??

TJ: You sign up for a new cell phone account.
Randolf: Yeah, under a bunch of crap...

Mai: No, you are NOT riding shotgun. Randolf, get the FUCK out of the cockpit!

TJ: He waves the ticket in Shari's direction.
Allie: Snoochie boochies...

TJ: What do you do in the bathroom?
Randolf: Sit there and wash my hands.
TJ: Then what do you do?
Randolf: The, I sit there and go "well", and then I come out.

Randolf: A guy named steven graham and his little ghouly friend were in my laboratory! MY laboratory!

Prince's cronie: winston, would you like to join me for the end of the show downstairs?
Dan: BURP!

Dan: I said MONKEY want to teleport! Oo! Oo! Oo!

Shari: Um, hello? (to, apparently, the plywood)
Mai: Yes, shari?

Mai: does he smell?
TJ: Yes.
Mai: good, cuz I was told he would smell.

Shari: Hey, I moved from stealing cars to stealing boats!

Kate: I like how you're so smug about getting beat up by saturn in your hotel room.
