Flavour of the Day

That's right, folks. Here it is - what you've all been waiting for... the flavour of the day server.

If you're not sure what you want to make for dinner (or lunch, or breakfast), if you need a little extra spark of creativity for the next great american novel you're writing ("what SHALL those characters order for dinner? I've got to make it more exciting that the ramen I usually eat..."), look no further.

To use the flavour of the day server, simply send an email to spqr@hotpop.com with the word "fotd" in the subject. A few minutes later, after careful deliberation as to which flavour would best suit your lifestyle, budget, and nutritional needs, a flavour will be selected for you.

If you are unhappy with the flavour selected, send in another request!

If you have questions about this service, please send inquiries to spqr@linuxstart.com. Please note that spqr@linuxstart.com will NOT get you any flavours.