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Our trip Photo Album

Welcome to the photo album of our trip to Isle Royale.

Our 2nd trip photo album

Here is Lalasa Ben and Keith in the mother of all blueberry patches

Jeremy sure likes those blueberries!

Here is Lalasa with a great view of the island and lake superior

Here is the mt. Ojibway lookout tower

This is a view of Copper Harbor MI from the ferry "Isle Royale Queen III"

This is what happens when you spill bug spray on your poncho"

Here in one of the 'camp foxes'

Looks like Jeremy is tired after a long day of hiking

Lake Superior at dusk

Jeremy and Ryan filter some water for drinking

Here is the first moose we saw on the trip

Here are 2 more 'bull' moose

And another moose

Jeremy and Lalasa walk over one of the many 'boardwalks'

Did Jeremy take off his sandles or not?

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