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Journal Day 3

Sunday August 15 1999

The rangers gave a very interesting program about the history of Daisy Farm. Their games and skits made it come alive last night. Only problem it ended past 8:30pm. That's when we started the mac and cheese with broccoli and pistachio pudding. Good dinner. Finished cleaning up at 10:00pm. Nice campsites. One privy in group site area, lots of noon in site and we can't see or hear the other sites.

I woke up at 7:30am because it started to sprinkle. I slept under the stars. After I got every thing packed up it cleared up. Figures. But it gave me a chance to walk down to the lake by myself for water for breakfast. haven't seen the camp fox 'Ransom' yet. We gad to put everything in our tents last night. The rangers said they have stolen food shoes even water filters. I wanted to at least see him. I hope to get more berries today. On the 7 mile hike here yesterday I found 1 strawberry, ton of thimble berries tons of blueberries and a few raspberries. I even found a wild plumb. I ate so many berries I didn't even touch my Gorp yesterday. We heard loons last night. Hope to see some today. Everyone is looking forward to seeing moose. And we hope wolf. We'll see.

Left Daisy Farm about 10:00am. The climb to Ojibway MT was very steep. But the trail was filled with ripe blueberries I gorged myself. They are sooo good. We saw other hikers picking them by the bag. The tower was great. We could see Canada about 12 miles away one side and faintly see the Kewannee peninsula on the other side. A spectacular view of the entire island and all the little islands around Isle Royale. Up on the Greenstone ridge we saw lots of backpackers from all over: Japan, IL, MI, and WI. Young, old, male and female. We stopped for lunch on a huge flat rock. We took a 1/2 hour nap after. The warm sun felt so good. About 1/2 way to west Chickenbone we could see storm brewing over Canada. The lightning was pretty spectacular. It was coming our way so we quickened our pace. But not enough we had to don ponchos as the storm pelted us with rain. We decided to skip West Chickenbone and go straight to McCargo Cove. There are more shelters there and everyone said it is so beautiful. That cut off 2 miles from out total trip. We arrived in the rain and all the shelters were full, we set up tents and got water and started dinner. The warm food was just what we needed. We were so tired and wet and cold. Now as I lay in my 'tent' I'm full and dry and warm. Simple things are so nice and important in the wilderness. It is supposed to rain all night and tomorrow night too. We haven't decided yet if we'll stay here and try for a shelter of go 1/2 of out 11 miles tomorrow. We'll see.

Ben's five finger prayer was good this morning, nice way to start the day. We read Dave Kuckuk's thought of the day last night by flashlight. We laughed and pondered. Great.

Day 3 Mr. and Mrs. Schlafke

Dear Keith and Crew,

Let me open with congratulations to all of you for the undertaking you have ventured on! I trust this will be a life changing experience you will remember for the rest of your lives, and with thought in mind, consider this letter. This world needs more teenagers who have a bright vision of the future. Teenagers who are determined to contribute to their families, their schools, their church, and their communities. Teenagers who know the value of hard work, setting and achieving goals, and taking responsibility and initiative in their lives. Discuss the following questions among yourselves and perhaps you will see the importance of having dreams, setting goals and achieving them, and celebrating in your life's victories!

1. What is your perception of each other? Can you view a situation from a different perspective and understand another's point of view?

2. Do you listen sincerely? Do you seek to understand, then be understood?

3. How self-aware are you? Can you stand back from yourself and observe you thoughts and actions? What is one of your most unheathly habits? What can you do about it?

4. How much impact does peer pressure have on you? Do you have the courage to say "NO" when all your friends are saying "YES"?

5. Think of a person who made a positive difference in your life. What qualities does that person have that you would like to develop?

Your probably wondering where this is all going, I'll tell you. After discussing the questions with each other you hopefully will see that weather you fail or succeed shall be by no one's doing but your own. The paths you choose today can shape you lives forever. You will make many vital decisions in your teenage years. It is important to have values and principles that you will embrace and base your lives on. You and you alone are responsible for making the right choices in your lives! May you all be blessed to grow into happy, healthy, and productive adult, REMEMBER: the CHOICE is yours!

Dan and I wish you all a safe and happy journey and you continue your adventure on Isle Royale and the adventure you will continue on all your lives. Take care and return to us safely.........................

Dan and Deb Schlafke

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