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Oneota Site Page C

(This is currently a "hidden" page.) Here are additions to Oneota publications: authors beginning with "C" and other stuff that I can't get into page x or page 2!

Latest additions: 2. Dez. 2003; alltheweb search: Thru six pages (not incorporating Iowa U. pages).

Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center 2001 "Oneota Native American Culture," 2001; viewed 2 Dec. 2003. [3:45 lesson plan]
Ahler, S R
2000 "Archaeological Resoruces in the Chicago River Assessment Area. Illinois State Museum Quaternary Studies Program Technical Report no. 2000-0000-10. Prepared for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Springfield. unpublished. {The Living Museum Supplement, Vol. 64 (2/3).}

Arzigian, Constance

ABSTRACT "Wild rice is traditionally viewed as a staple of subsistence strategies from the Late Woodland period to the present in northern Wisconsin and northern Minnesota, but cultures elsewhere in Wisconsin also exploited the grain. Horticultural Millville phase Middle Woodland cultures at Prairie du Chien and agricultural Oneota populations at La Crosse both harvested wild rice as part of a mixed economy. The evidence and contexts for this intermittent exploitation of wild rice in southwestern Wisconsin are presented."

Associated Press
2003? "State May Preserve Historic Oneota Indian Site," IMDiversity Daily News
Viewed 2 December 2003.
Boszhardt, Robert F.
2000 "Turquoise, Rasps, and Heartlines: The Oneota Bison Pull," pp. ?-? in: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler. (Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28) {Parc Bookstore HP}



Emerson; and Brown

:= E&B


Griffin, John W.
1946 The Upper Mississippi Occupation at the Fisher Site, Will County, Illinois. M. A.: Univeristiy of Chicago. {E&B'92}

Langford Tradition {E&B '92}

Harn, Alan D. and Nicholas W. Klobuchar
2000 "Inside Morton House: An Oneota Structure from the Central Illinois River Valley," pp. ?-? in: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler. (Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28) {Parc Bookstore HP; Suppl. The Living Museum 64 (2/3)}

Harn, D E
2001 "West Central Illinois," pp. ?-? in Discover Illinois Archaeology, edited by A Berkson and M D Wiant. Illinois Assoication for Advancement of Archaeology and Illinois Archaeological Survey: Urbana-Champaign. { Suppl. The Living Museum 64 (2/3)}

Henning, Dale R.
2001 "Plains Village Tradition: Eastern Periphery and Oneota Tradition," pp. #-# in Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 13, pt. 1, Plains, edited by R J. MeMallie. Smithoonian Institution: Washington, D.C. {Living Museum Supp. vol. 64 (2/3)


Keene, David J.; and Theodore J. Karamanski
1980 Cultural Resource Survey of the Cook County Forest Preserve, Palos, Calument Divisions. Report of Mid-American Research Center, Loyola University of Chicago. {Brown and Ash 1990 " Cultural..."}


Langford, George.
1919 "The Kankakee River Heap," American Anthropoloigist 21 (3): 287-91. {E&B'92}

Langford Tradition {E&B '92}.

Langford, George.
1927 "The Fisher Mound Group, Successive Aboriginal Occupations near the Mouth of the Illinois River," American Anthropologist 29 (3): 153-206. {E&B'92}

Langford Tradition {E&B '92}. Mouth-Langford??

Langford, George.
1930 "The Fisher Mound and Village Site, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Sciences 22: 79-92. {E&B'92}

Langford Tradition {E&B '92}.

Logan, B, R E Hughes, and D R Henning
"Western Oneota Obsidian: Sources and Implications," Plains Anthropologist 46 (175): 55-64. {Living Museum Supp. vol. 64 (2/3)

Munson, Cheryl Ann and Patrick J. Munson
1969 "The Palos Site: An Early Historic Indian Village near Chicago," Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin 40 (3): 5-6.

Overstreet, David F.
2000 "Cultural Dynamics of the Late Prehistoric Period in Southern Wisconsin," pp. ?-? in: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler. (Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28) {Parc Bookstore HP}


Rackerby, Frank E.; and Stuart Struever
1968 "The Horton Site [=Butter Creek Site, 11 Ck 5]: A Casebook in Urgent Archeology," Bulletin of the Field Museum of Natural History 39 (3): 10-3. {B&A}

Probably Fisher Phase [B&A].

Rodell, Roland L.
2000 "Paterns of Oneota settlement within the Middle Portion of the Upper Mississippi Valley," pp. ?-? in: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler. (Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28) {Parc Bookstore HP}


Schroeder, Marjorie B.
2000 "Archaeobotanical Summary of House 7 and Five Oneota Features from the Morton Site (11Fv19)," pp. ?-? in: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler. (Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28) {Parc Bookstore HP; Suppl. The Living Museum 64 (2/3)}

Smith, Harriet M.
1969 "Palos Site -- Cook County, Illinois," Quarterly Newsletter Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology 1 (1): 5. {B&A}}

Huber Phase{B&A}

Stoltman, James B.
2000 "A Reconsideration of the Cultural Processes Linking Cahokia to Its Northern Hinterlands during the Period A.D. 1000-1200," pp. ?-? in: Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler, edited by Steven R. Ahler. (Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Vol. 28) {Parc Bookstore HP}

West, George A.
1934 Tobacco, Pipes and Smoking Customs of the American Indians, 2 volumes. Bulletin, Public Musem of the City of Milwaukee 17. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Zimmermann, Larry J.
1997 "Oneota Archaeology,"
"Lawrence Conrad has pointed out to use that West (1934: 777-779) illustrates a Heye Foundation catlinite disk pipe said to be from Calhoun County [Illinois]" (Farnsworth and O'Gorman 1998: 79).

Ritterbush, Lauren W.; and Brad Logan
2000 " Late Prehistoric Oneota Population Movement into the Central Plains," Plains Anthropologist 45 (173): .257-72.{RDJ}

White Rock Phase located in North-Central Kansas and southern Nebraska.

OTHERS: Berres, Thomas Edward 1998 Oneota Culutral Interaction in the Prairie Peninsula: A Study of Ceramic Vessels and Faunal Exploitation in Northern Illinois. PhD: University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana. 300 pp. UMI: 59-06A: 2081. O'Gorman, Jodie Ann 1996 Domestic Economics and Mortuary Practices: A Gendered View of Oneota Social Organization. PhD: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. -- 412 pp. UMI: 57-08A: 3558. ...Ruth, C 1998 ... UMI: 60-02A: 471. Cremin has done recent work "on the transition from specialized foraging to corn agriculture in the Southern Lake Michigan basin, with emphasis on the Oneota-related Berrien Phase of soutwest Michigan" (Mich. Acad. 33: 214). See anthropology/archaeology.html

Nadb has no hits for "Berrien" in culture; likewise in keyword.

MwAC, 2001:
Oneota Session:
"Oneota" Saturday, October 13 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. La Crosse Center, Room D
9:30 Wendy K. Holtz-Leith Recent Excavations within the Sanford Archaeological District: An Oneota Village in the Heart of La Crosse
9:45 James L. Theler and Edward Swanson Evidence for Oneota Winter Occupations at La Crosse, Wisconsin
10:00 Jonathan D. Baker Oneota Bone Grease Processing at the Krause Site (47Lc41)
10:15 Constance Arzigian Seasonal Interpretations of Oneota Occupations from Floral Remains
10:30 Colin M. Betts Shell Temper and Earthen Mounds: Mound Use and Construction in the La Crosse Region Oneota Tradition
10:45 Mark E. Bruhy and Kathryn C. Egan-Bruhy Oneota Presence in Northern Wisconsin: The Zarling Lake Site (47 FR-186)
11:00 Dan Wendt A Late Prehistoric Boundary at the Mississippi River: Triangular Projectile Point Variation in the Red Wing Locality of Pierce County, Wisconsin, and Goodhue County, Minnesota
11:15 Douglas K. Jackson Recent Investigations at the Hoxie Farm Site, an Upper Mississippian Huber Phase Site in Cook County, Illinois

--------------------- Note: make a chronological index.


  • Cremin, William M. 1981 Perspectives on the Prehistoric Occupation of the Kalamazoo River Valley: The Kalamazoo Basin, 1976-1980. Paper
  • Cremin, William M. 1986 Archaeological investigations at the New Buffalo weigh stations, Berrien. 28 leaves.
  • McAllister, Paul W. 1980 The Schwerdt Site....PhD...
  • Cremin, William M. 1996
  • Paul W. McAllister, William M. Cremin, and John R. Halsey 1999 Chapter 10.
  • Robert J. Salzer and Grace Rajnovich 2000 The Gottschall Rockshelter: An archaeological mystery. Prairie Smoke Press, St. Paul, Minnesota. REV.:
  • About com says that Archaeology mag. (April 2002?) has an article on Deep Cave, a Wis. Oneota site with art...?? (Is this Gottschall?)
  • Fraser, Ray 2001 Crable Phase Potters, [Viewed 28 April 2002]. Includes comments on Oneota relationships and has photos of Oneota (-like) pottery.

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