Cheaper Music?
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED IN A FEW OTHER PUBS. (not sayin which) Laminated escapade on Land Canoe A 10speed. Same feeling from Biking as paddling: freedom. People-watching in Pueblo park. Peaceful people, Pueblo. Penciled onto pay phone: Lost- a profound piece from the Cake of liberty. Leftover Pineapple petroglyphs. MONAMI's the plate from El Paso county. Must've taken a wrong turn in Albuquerque. You know you're southwest when you Get the Espanol radio. Welcome to Pyebbelo. "Miami" es Cuban por "my friend." How do you say "move" in Cuban? Perfecto movado, doodo. The music's just right and the People are so dad bloomed nice & Warm to each other I'm about to cry. "3M-TA3." Write it down and Look in the mirror. What a Witty piece of grafitty. Homeboy holds up Motel 6: steals register, Cash and phone. Clean getaway. Smart. Only in Santa Fe. Bet I know who wrote "Eat-me" All over a bathroom mirror. Who knew? Only good thing Yale ever gave America Was fortress locks. pinon Canon petroglyphs of the people. Tiny writing; hardly see, Much less read it! Drink more coffee; you'll make it out.