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Testimony Part Two

Well God saved me once from dying and He did it another time too.

I have been dealing with depression and other psych issues for over half my life. I have been in the hospital over 25 times for these issues and have been on so many different medications that I have lost track of them all. In January 2002 I was at the end of my options. The only thing that I have not tried was Electro-convulsive Shock Therapy (ECT) My best friend at the time had it a few months prior so I knew pretty much what to expect as far as the memory loss. I really dont remember much of this at all except for the first time I received the medication to put me to sleep. I was going to receive 6-8 ECT treatments. On my 5th treatment things changed. I went into a 15 minute seizure. This could have just been from the ECT or also because my electrolytes were low. But somehow I made it through that. One can say it was luck but I know it was because of God. I also firmly believe that God allowed that to happen to me. I lost all short term memory from those treatments. Before that my memory was my best feature. I lost what I had relied on to get me though some tough times in my past. Now all I had to rely on was God.
Actually I thank God for my family too. This was hard on them too I am sure. I would call pretty often and tell them the same things because I had not remembered that I had called them before. Before all this happened I was living with my sister...and she was afraid to have me live with her again. I could see why. She was afraid I would take my medication but then forget that I had taken it...and take more..forget again..take more..and oops..overdose. I thank her for that concern even though then I was upset. I ended up staying in a shelter for mentally ill people. I am glad I did not stay there too long and then my sister seemed to be okay with me coming back to the apartment.
A few years later I have most of my memory back. It is not back to what it was before but I was able to attempt school with some confidence. I did try to take anatomy and physiology but had to change from credit to audit (and then I ended up being kicked out of MATC) But I did at least get an A in my creative writing class. Hopefully I will eventually get into University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
God has saved me twice from death (and who knows how many more times in my past) I am certain He must have some awesome plans for my life.

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Testimony #3