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Religious Poems

A storm is raging
Inside a child
Such a little girl
So innocent and mild
The storm winds blow
And knock her off course
Tries to push her down
Using full force
Gathering all her strength
To find a secure place to stand
While during this whole time
God has held out His hand
Reach for me child
And I'll lift you when you fall
Through my strength
You can get through it all
He longs to help her stand
But she pushes him away
So the storm winds continue to blow
Each and every day
Temptation and lies
Attack her from all sides
Reach for me child
It is for you that I died
She continues to fight
With her strength alone
If only she would grasp
The love God has shown

I'm in the middle of the rain
Still one thing remains
A love so wide and deep
That it makes me start to weep
Jesus though innocent was slain
Taking upon him my embedded stains
And even though I feel alone
All my sins Jesus owned
A crown of thorns inflicting pain
He gave of Himself so that I could gain
A simple gift, a sacrifice
For me He paid the ultimate price

Sometimes we don't understand
What God has in mind
What may seem bad He can use
There is good that He can find
So even though things seem so hard
And you lose sight of the goal
There is always hope if you remember
God is in control

Confusion sets in
Makes itself at home
All of the lies it brings
Corrupting my mind
I'm a prisoner
Held captive by my thoughts
Longing for the freedom
Longing for the peace
That only God can bring

I need to feel love
Like I never have before
I need to be at peace
I need my soul restored
I need God's healing touch
I need His tender mercy
Mend and mold my heart
God please set me free

You shelter me under your wings
In the arms of the Mighty King
Safe at last in the peace you bring

You are the God who loves

I cry, you collect my tears
I'm scared, you calm my fears
I'm alone, you hold me near

You are the God who comforts

Mold me into what you want me to be
Open my eyes so that I can see
Change my heart and set me free

You are the God who heals

You know my past
You know my pain
All the tears that I have cried
You have gently dried

You know all I am
And all I'm not
The parts of me I try to hide
All my flaws inside

You know my future
You know my plans
Jesus be my guide
I live because you died

All my bricks are crumbling
On the great wall around me
I built it all myself
Now I long to be free
It was my source of strength
For many painful years
It was my safety in the storm
Where I could release my tears
The cracks are beyond repair
Trust me I have tried
Is it really better
On the other side
Well I give this brick to you
It is all that I can give
But I will do what I have to do
If it will help me live

Explore eternity
Glorious life
Brilliant masterpiece
Embracing change
Imagining that
Anything freeing
Could come from
This pain

Psalm 142 In My Words

Oh God do you hear my cry
As I call out to you for mercy
I pour out my pain
Where is your reply
I am overwhelmed God
But you say you know the way
I stumble on the path
I alone have chosen
I feel so alone
I feel no one cares
Oh God do you hear my cry
I need oh how I need
For you to rescue me
To show me the way
Set me free from my pain
So I can praise your name

You are the God
Of a new beginning
You offer grace
Through all my sinning
I try to do what's right
But I can't without You
Only You can cleanse me
And make me new
So I give it all up
For a greater goal
To be closer to You
And to be made whole

Lord dry these tears
Falling down my cheeks
Hold me safely
Till it's just You I seek
I'm so lost
I've wandered away
Lord please save me
A lamb gone astray
I'm so scared
No peace is found
Lions ready to feast
They prowl all around
But You are my safety
In the midst of it all
You still hold me
You hear my call

I really don't understand
What You have for me
Do You really have a hand
In my destiny
Some days I'm not certain
Some days I highly doubt
That You have a plan for me
Some days I feel left out
But I know that You are faithful
And I know that you are near
I know there is a purpose
For me being here
I just need You to show me
I need a little clue
What is the reason
That you brought me through
Is there some grand plan You have
That I do not see
Did all this need to happen
Just to make me free

Lord I can't see
Why You lead me
To this place
But I want to be free
And I need Your grace
Lord please take
This painful ache
From my weary soul
Touch my heart and make
Your precious child whole

There is something in you
That is missing in me
Something that makes your life complete
Something that I'm lacking

How I long to feel what you do
I need to be filled with the peace
I want to feel the love
That comes only from above

The peace in you
Is missing in me
That peace would make my life complete
God's peace is what I'm lacking

Am I on my own God
I do not hear Your call
I take another clumsy step
Only to stumble and fall
I don't know if I can go on
Don't know how much I can take
Am I like the reed that will bend
Or will this make me break
I feel so lost and alone
So many decisions I face
Lord I need your guidance
And Lord I need your grace

Will You turn Your back
When I lose track
Of where I need to be
Or will You be there
Will You care
Right now I cannot see

In the middle of it all
Will I fall
Or will You hold onto me
Cause I feel so alone
And unknown
And so far from Thee

What is my purpose
In the world today
I feel so inadequate
I don't know what to say
I try so hard to measure up
To everyone around
But everytime I look
My averageness is found
I'm not trying for perfection
That's impossible to achieve
But maybe by helping someone in pain
It may lead them to believe
I don't know what my purpose is
But it's God's amazing grace
I may not understand right now
But God wants me in this place

Walking on this path alone
No one to hold my hand
No one to dry my tears
No one who understands
I have so far to go
But I have come so far
Yet all I can focus on
Are all my pain and scars
The scars that make me ugly
And the pain that plagues my mind
Will I always feel
So far left behind
Is there any hope in sight
Any peace to be found
I want to hear the voice of God
But I do not hear a sound
So I continue on this path alone
Although it's more than I can bear
Maybe if I persevere
I will meet Him there

One of Your promises
Is to set the captives free
Then why do I continue
In this pain and misery
I try to find some hope
But I'm wrapped in heavy chains
I try to show Your joy
But have all this inner pain
So do I continue to live this lie
Or show the truth I hide
Should I still be heavy burdened
With all this darkenss deep inside
I need You to free me
So I can truly live
I need to fully grasp
The real life You give

Is it Your voice
Or is it just my head
All this confusion
I want peace instead
I want to know Your plans
Your will for my life
Will I grasp the peace You offer
Or continue in this strife
I hunger for something more
Than what I have inside
Something to fill my emptiness
All my passion has died
I'm empty, lonely, and falling apart
The best that I can do
Is lay these pieces at Your feet
So I can be close to You

I feel so abandoned
Separate from His love
His presence I don't feel
Is He even real?
Is He in heaven up above
Did I do something wrong?
Has He rejected me?
Am I known
Or all alone
Trapped in misery?
I'm walking on this darkened path
Although I don't know where it leads
But I can't turn back
Have to stay on track
And hope God supplies my needs
But how do I trust in Him
When my prayers seem to go unheard
Does He hear me
As I make my plea
Of painfully uttered words?

~ Easter 2004 ~

Amazing love
From above
Paid the price for me
Though I'm to blame
My guilt and shame
Killed Him at Calvery
His blood was shed
From His hands and head
For everyone to see
With my guilt and pride
There He died
Just to set me free

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Copyright 2004 by Katey Ratz. Contact author to obtain permission to use for any purpose.
