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Interfaith Awareness Week

December 5-11,1999


Sacred and Holy Days During Interfaith Awareness Week

December 4-11

December 7

December 9

December 10

Interfaith Awareness Week
Religious Services and Special Events in the Madison Area

Sunday, December 5

Monday, December 6

Tuesday, December 7

    8am-4pm - The Madison Christian Community Labyrinth will be open for public walks (see Monday listing)

Wednesday, December 8

    8am-9pm - The Madison Christian Community Labyrinth will be open for public walks (see Monday listing)

    The Madison Interfaith Dialogue Group will be discussing "Interfaith Implications of the Holidays"(facilitated by George Hinger) 9:30-11:30am At St Benedict Center (4200 Hwy M - north of Lake Mendota)call Paul Jacobi, MID secretary (608) 257-6396 for more info

    Drikung Kagyu Dharma Circle of Madison
    weekly Tibetan Kaygu Buddhist lineage meditation and dharma discussion - 6-8pm
    Call Linda(608) 967-9339 for location and info.

    "Be STill and Know That I am God" Ps 46
    quiet time with directed meditation on biblical texts of the Season - 5:30-6:15pm
    Grace Episcopal Church 116 W. Washington Ave. Madison(608) 255-5147.

Thursday, December 9

Friday, December 10

    Weekly Muslim Community Prayers
    12:30pm -Islamic Center of Madison
    21 N. Orchard Street
    (608) 251-9851

    Regular Shabbat Service
    8pm -Temple Beth El
    2702 Arbor Drive, Madison
    (608) 238-3123

Saturday, December 11

    Delivery Boys Concert at Cornerstone Campus Ministries - 8pm
    A ska-style night of Christian praise and worship.
    103 N. Park Street, Madison - (608) 255-8989 (one block from the UW-Madison)

    Weekly Jewish Shabbat

    Weekly Sabbath Day for Seventh Day Adventists and Seventh Day Baptists



Mayoral Proclamation

City of Madison, Wisconsin




WHEREAS, Wisconsin has a long history of celebrating the diversity of belief and Wisconsin has been a leader in human rights throughout 151 years of statehood; and is the home of the International Committee for the Peace Council, an international interfaith effort that had its beginnings at the 1993 Parliament for the World's Religions; and


WHEREAS, December 10, 1999 is Human Rights Day designated by the United Nations and the 51st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states in Article 18 that "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance;" and


WHEREAS, the State has developed great spiritual and religious diversity and diverse beliefs have played an important role in the development of our State; and


WHEREAS, the celebration of diversity diminishes no one, but enriches everyone; and


WHEREAS, we affirm the right of every person to believe and act according to their beliefs as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others; and


WHEREAS, interfaith efforts of different churches and faith groups have a rich history in the State and interfaith coalitions, interfaith dialogues and interfaith activities are growing locally, regionally, nationally and internationally; and


WHEREAS, the Capitol of the State of Wisconsin is located on an isthmus, which is considered a place of peace and reconciliation; and


WHEREAS, December 1999 holds holy days of many religious and faith groups;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of Madison, Wisconsin, does hereby proclaim December 5-11,1999 as




in the City of Madison and encourage citizens to learn more about each others' beliefs in the spirit of community.



Susan J.M. Bauman, Mayor


[foil seal]

Signed and sealed this 5th day of December, 1999 at City Hall


(Original on file - drafted by John-Brian Paprock)


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