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Welcome to WIGGY WOO ( the raving madmans little corner on the far side of the attic)!!!!!!

Hello, This is my good friend Mr. Floppy. He will be visiting us everysooften to spout out some useless facts that he learned the other day. Mr. Floppy has a very interesting life! Nobody knows where he was born, and nobody knows why he was born. But that doesn't really matter, he was born, he grew up and he learned a lot of stupid facts! That's all there is to it!

Well, anyway that's pretty much all there is to Mr. Floppy's life! Be sure and come back everysooften to check up on Mr. Floppy's Useless Facts (Then you can go and impress your friends with all the stupid stuff you know. Won't that be great!!).

See what Mr. Floppy has to say!

See what Mr. Floppy said while you were gone

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Uncle Hyman

The 10 Most Important Things In Life (the updated version)

Stuff to Look At

Thoughts on Life
Stuff to do
It's in Writing, So it Must Be True
Stupid Facts That Nobody Wants to Know
Total Nonsense
Without Pants Online
Guestbook: Ah, but You've Already Signed it. Or Have You?
