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Ginger's Page of Profound Thoughts

Is he ever going to get that ball up that darned hill?

"To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts expressed ~ That can make life a garden." ~Goethe

Dedicated to all of my incredible friends, I love you all, and especially to one dear and newfound friend who was willing to take the time and listen to me...Thank you.

Hello and welcome to my homepage, which I am actually updating! It was brought to my attention by a very kind fellow that my info here was a little....out of date? So here is my correction for y'all. I'm sorry to say there aren't any extremely profound thoughts here yet, but I'll be working on it. The thoughts will probably change with every 50 people that stop by, or whenever I get sick of the one I have up. I, by the way, am Ginger, a freshman music history/theory major at UW-Whitewater. Ah, yes, I am back from a wonderful spring break to face the last few weeks of school before summer vacation. I can't beleive it, one year is over already! I just doesn't seem possible! I just hope that I'll be able to keep in touch with all the great friends I've made here. Well, back to the former subject..... Bearing in mind that I am a music major, you can probably guess that I am a big fan of music of all kinds. Some of my favourite groups are The Beatles, They Might Be Giants , and the Manhattan Transfer. I also like Jewel and Garth Brooks. Other than music, I like to be involved in drama. I was very active in theatre in high school and WAS trying to get into the Whitewater theatre department.....but I have given that one up for a while. Maybe next year, who knows.

My Little Dream Car

Besides music and theatre, my favourite things to do are reading, e-mailing my friends addictively (I miss you guys!!!!) and hanging out with my friends whenever I can! Since the recent demise of my beloved car, this has been difficult but still accomplishable (is that a word?) I'll let you take a look at my beloved car whenever I can figure out how to make the library people let me use their scanners! They are very protective people! Well now that I have "bored you to tears" (a phrase borrowed from my dear friend Matt (whose webpage appears below....Go there. Now.)) I will move on to a new realm in web land......but before I do, please.....

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by GuestWorld

Click on Me I'm Fun! (it can be beaten, I've done it!)

Wow! The page gets a point! News from Ginger-land, updated, um, semi-weekly-ish!!!

Here are some "all" cool links for y'all to look at.......

My buddy Lori's NEW homepage
The new Jenny H. homepage (which is no longer under construction)
Matt's homepage (frames...fancy fancy)
Natalie's "all" fun homepage
Wow. This is the ULTIMATE Beatles site!
A great site for anyone who enjoys Red Dwarf or Highlander

This site given a rating of "excellent" by the WebSite Garage!!!
