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Forest Park is your source for Ayrshire embryos and semen!






Glen, Lois and Greta Nelson
Welcome you to
Forest Park on the Web!

Ayrshires have been a part of Forest Park since Glen's grandfather Peter imported ayrshires originating from the birthplace of the Ayrshire Breed, "Scotland." These cows were routed through Canada via R. Hunter and Sons, Ontario. Ardyne White Rose arrived in 1907. Glen's father (Vernon) bred the beautiful Forest Park Barbie Ex93 whose son (Barbie's Image) became a plus proven sire in the U.S. and Canada.

Currently our herd is known for producing large amounts of milk and protein on our grass pastures. We attribute much of our success to the Ayrshire's delightful "personality". Don't be surprised if you call an ayrshire by name and the right head pops up. With their bright and curious nature they naturally keep on the move. As you browse through our cows perhaps you'll find your inquisitive nature is a perfect match to these beautiful Ayrshire cows. Enjoy

Forest Park is a Bgh-free farm located in
Milltown, WI

Phone: 715-825-4220
Fax: 715-825-4604
Email us at:

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