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The Church (by that we mean the "Catholic Church", as representative
of all of Christendom),* takes the exact stance on the issue of 'miracles'
as we would expect the Church to on these matters as the Church is truly

Though the Church says that you (as a 'believer') are supposed to believe
without any proof of miracles, they won't deny that they are possible. This
is a huge 'disclaimer' that separates the Church from any 'liability' or blame
(culpability) that may result if/when 'miracles' are shown or proven to be
frauds. Yet, the Church DOES even claim some miracles as 'authentic'.
Those being, of course, "authenticated" by the Church itself.

There is a select secret group acting with and for the Church (and always
has) whose purpose and duty is to produce and perpetuate the belief in
'miracles' and who actively synthesize these frauds. We will explain more
about this particular group later in this article. Suffice it to say that the
reason for these 'miracles' being produced is to bolster the rosters and help
perpetuate the religion, as in reality, Christianity is a business. Not just like
any other business, but one with very powerful political ties and with much
diversity. Besides this particular group, there are individual creative hucksters
who act independently of the Church for their own personal profit. These, are
generally the ones that get 'caught'.

We have seen some very creative and rather convincing examples of
'miracles' in our time. As new materials are invented and made in concentrated
forms, micro-encapsulated and made to be 'time-released' and or temperature
sensitive, etc., we are now seeing this technology used in the creation of
'miracles'. Believers themselves may feel the need or a compulsion to perpetuate
fraud (to them, they are 'protecting' faith, doing a 'good deed') by claiming
'miracles'; miracles that they themselves have created. The reason? They feel
that the end justifies the means and that they will be 'forgiven' for it. One lady
claimed that images of the virgin Mary appeared on rose pedals that she had
pressed/placed in her bible. This is a rather old kind or type of 'miracle'. It is not
new. In this particular case it was found that the images were produced by the
pressing of medallions onto the pedals, thereby leaving impressions on them.
Other examples of miracles are more elaborate.

As to the secret group that we spoke of, there has always been a parallel
group or section of the Church and it had already existed along side
religion in its earliest forms since the most ancient times. Some of the first
examples date back to the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs, where pipes or
long tubes were used to create or imitate the voice or voices of gods and

Traditionally, the overseer or persons in charge of this carried the title of
'High Priest'. The next examples in our expose' were those things used
(mentioned) in the Old Testament and the New Testament. And that is of
'signs' from 'god'. There used to be 'colleges' in ancient Britain where the
sons of rulers and kings would receive their 'education' in ruling. From the
days of the Pharaohs, the usual practice was for the ruler's first born son to
succeed him and rule over the kingdom. The second son would be the High
Priest. We go back this far in our examples to that you will better be able to
understand what MUST be going on in our own time. Bear with us.

And so, these colleges that we now know of existed in the places that we call
"the seats of Druidism". The number of students in these colleges were
staggering to our mind when we think of how long ago that was and what
they were being taught. They did not study for 4 years like we think of as
college today, but rather lived there studying for 20 years to master the whole
circle of Druidic knowledge. At times, EACH of the colleges could have as
many as 60 thousand students at any given time. Again, these were places
where nearly all rulers in ancient times would send their sons to study their
respective 'trades'.

The Druids were the keepers of the combined knowledge of 'ancient wisdom',
and it was unbelievably exhaustingly complicated and exact. They held the
knowledge used to build the pyramids, and they of course, built stonehenge.
And that should give you some slight idea of what this kind of knowledge
consisted of. We need to be brief there and get on with what needs to be said
about 'miracles'. However, it is also important to know this background as well
(we speak more specifically about these colleges elsewhere).

So briefly, there were 40 seats of Druidism where there were located at each
these "wisdom colleges," in which the subjects taught included these; Natural
Philosophy, Astronomy, Arithmetic (including letter/number equivalents, and
codes to be used in texts), Geometry, Jurisprudence, Medicine, Poetry, and
Oratory. We've heard the phrase "knowledge is power", but have little
understood the full and true meaning. And most importantly, the implications
as applied to rulers and leaders over the masses.

Why is it important to know about all of this? Because it applies to our
understanding of religion and the means used to 'preserve' it and bolster
(promote) it. Why were these particular subjects important for rulers and High
Priests to know? To outwit their subjects (and opposition) and to keep the
subjects always ignorant and 'believing'. And why would it be important for
High Priests to know Astronomy? To perform 'miracles' of course. With this
knowledge, they could accurately predict when there would be astrological
events such as the eclipse of the sun by the moon. And like the 'Farmer's
Almanac' that we know of today, the High Priests could fairly accurately
assure farmers of their crops if they sacrificed heavily and frequently.

We can only begin to imagine the tip of the iceberg as far as what things
these rulers and High Priests were able to do with all of this knowledge to
keep the masses under their complete control. We can just see the ruler calling
together his subjects to meet at a certain time and place under the direction
of his 'assistant', the High Priest. And asking for prayers, piety, and tithes (as
well as other sacrificial offerings) in order to appease the god or gods, as the
frightened ignorant crowd cowers and stares in amazement as the sun goes
dark as a 'sign' from the god or gods to answer the High Priest's ramblings as
if invoking and speaking directly to the god/s.

In as far as 'miracles' today, again, imagine these persons who are in league
with the High Priest/s have the highest in knowledge and technology even
above what is currently known by the rest of the world. Yes, it is very likely
that they have in their 'bag-o-tricks' some things that even the rest of us do
not yet know of, and so are able to accomplish 'miracles' that cannot be
explained by us in our time. However, as we have noted, those things that
have been done in the past have later been shown to be frauds by science.

What we are suggesting here is that this may be a continuing 'strategy' that is
used by these persons. That is, in being one or two steps ahead of whatever
may be available to 'disprove' whatever 'miracle/s' that they can come up with.

They most certainly know much more about certain things than we do about
things that are already known and/or discovered. One instance of this is in the
field of Hypnotism. We have heard of hypnotism. We think that we know
something about it and some people dismiss it as something that they do not
think is 'real'. That's because we are used to seeing this used/demonstrated
in a 'side-show' type atmosphere. But there is far more to this than the public
realizes at this time. Hypnotism is in fact used in producing certain kinds of
'miracles' where persons do things that appear to be incredible and/or
impossible to accomplish. We will tell more about hypnotism elsewhere.

We will go into so much more detail on so many things in our books. So
please plan on getting at least one so that you will be armed with knowledge!

*In our further works we will demonstrate that the Christian religion was
in fact originally 'Catholic' and that other versions or denominations were
created out of that Catholic Christian religion. Christianity was created with
the thought of it being a business from the start the same as earlier religions
were; only Christianity was 'streamlined' for this purpose deliberately while
it was being created.




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