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I am an EMS instructor and i will be redoing this site to better suit your needs and so i can keep up with it! But would like to know what you would like to see or know? I need ideas please e-mail me!!

Also this site will remain a wisconsin based and info site will try to update every two months

Any ideas please e-mail me thanks!

We are also in the need of more scene pics if you have any please e-mail to us and we will post them thank you!

Also jokes and stories!

Things are already starting to take shape.

Pages 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8 are coming along and have something for you there now.

Pages 4 and 6 will be up shortly.

Personality Profile of Emergency Personnel

Obsessive/compulsive {driven toward perfection}

Action oriented---instant gratification; easily bored

High need for stimulation

Risk taker

Highly dedicated: give them a cause and they can't be stopped

Strong need to be needed

Difficulty saying no

Rescue personality

Driven by internal motivations

Generally high tolerance for stress

Family oriented:

1. Career.

2. Natural children

3. All other children

4. Community

5. Spouse

6. Self

Wisconsin Traffic Crash Facts

1996 Facts and Figures

759 persons were killed in Wisconsin motor vehicle crashes. {39% involved Alcohol, 28% Speed, and 15% involved both Speed and Alcohol}.

66,048 persons were injured in 43,773 reported injury crashes and 656 fatal crashes

An average of 2.1 persons were killed every day on Wisconsin highways.

The fatality rate per 100 million miles of travel was 1.44 in 1996, the same rate as in 1995

Of the 418 drives who were killed and tested for alcohol concentration, 157 drivers {38%} had an alcohol concentration of .10 or above and were legally intoxicated.

54 pedestrians were killed, compared to 64 in 1995

Of 54 pedestrians killed, 4 {7%} had alcohol concentration of .10 or above.

13 bicyclists were killed, compared to 17 in 1995.

50 motorcyclists were killed, compared to47 in 1995.

42% of persons killed in passenger cars {for whom belt use was reported} were using safety restraints.

79% of all motorcyclists killed in crashes {for whom helmet use was reported} were not wearing helmets.

61% of all crashes occurred on county trunk highways and local roads.

We are now presenting an award!
The award will be awarded based on content and originality.
The site does not have to be a EMS site see awards page.
Click on middle award above to go to awards page.


PAGE 2-Continuing Education Opportunities-Central Wisconsin
PAGE 3-Humor-EMS Rules
PAGE 4-Humor?
PAGE 5-Shock Review
PAGE 6-? Review
PAGE 7-Pics
PAGE 8-Linkage
