D-Xtra, news, hype


474 AM logs were reported in JANUARY 2025. 4TH BEST JANUARY EVER!!!!! Goodwill here is only as good as the last bunch of tips and effort given. Beginning in 1981, and still here! Go figure!!!!!!!!

Reporters for JANUARY: Mssrs. Axelrod, Chappell, Forth, Harris, Kirk, Laskowski, Line, Rigas, Ross and Rieger---representing: IL IN MB ON and WI!
JANUARY AM NUMBERS were above average for the #139th month in-a-row! JANUARY '25 AVERAGE: 270.94. That is UP from 257.14. Your dx and input is always, welcomed! All that can be said is a hearty, hearty THANK YOU! No lack of reporters here, as in several other places, or in several that are not around anymore! Not too shabby! YOU ARE THE BEST! I think you know that. Never got tired of getting those logs! Look around. Look elsewhere! This effort stands well against many others! Thank you all so much!
DX'ING THE GY'S IN JANUARY? CHECK IT OUT! 1230:1O 1240:9 1340:2 1400:2 1450:8 1490:1o
GYDX logs past several years may be found here!
DX-midAMerica reporters are, without the best! And you know it! 28 NEW LOGS reported in JANUARY.
JANUARY had some big numbers for page views! "Page Views & Traffic Reports" show the date and page views. First off, the month's high: "Page Views & Traffic Reports:636! This on JANUARY 17TH. There were quite a few days with 200+ and 300+. If you think nobody is checking out your tips, etc., these numbers prove differently, and one can be proud of the contributions of 200+ people, through the years, beginning back in 1981. That is FOUR PLUS DECADES of solid dx and good, solid reporters! You are surrounded by good people! Thank you all, much more than you could ever, ever know. Too, numbers down a bit as AM has slidden into abyss and FM is nowhere, yet!
DX-midAMerica freebies are flying out the window all year long! DECEMBER 22nd had FIVE REPORTS, and thus a T-Shirt, hat, cap is waiting for YOU. YOU'VE earned them! JUST WRITE HQ and ask!!!!! Mssrs: Axelrod, Chernos, Dau, Laskowski & Rieger are eligible. 52 REPORTS WERE RECEIVED in DECEMBER. THAT IS GOOD!!!!! There are a lot of dx'ers out there. You are not alone! Too, this effort has been around for FORTY PLUS YEARS! Unlike Facebook groups or other efforts that are torn down after an editor gets tired and bored, or groups where you are kicked out or "unfriended," or sites/clubs/editors who are tyrants! Infighting beyond belief! No thank you! This is updated DAILY, not when someone feels like it, when they might have time or if there's nothing else to do! Do you like the infighting you see out there? Here's where you can see how many reports are added per day! Too, there's no infighting or arguing here! Just dx tips. No, "oh I heard that years ago" or "you finally got that?" The first letters in DX-midAMerica are D X!
For sure one thing I totally enjoy when I see your reports is a station here and there that I have YET to hear, after 5+ DECADES in this hobby! In my case, the quest for "new" has never stopped. Yes, there are lulls, periods of nothing, squat, nada. However, if one logged 500 new every year, you'd run out of a hobby quite quickly, now, huh? Will take a smattering here and there and take what I can get. No, no, no complaints. Will leave that to others with their negative comments and outlook on life. Pathetic! Trust me: last August it gets better and gets better month by month, the time change and of course, those l-o-n-g winter nights. Must enjoy this sun and daylight and what we have while we have it. Pull the weeds out of your life. This is a great, great gift, and a pretty cool hobby! Thank you all...and for what I have learned from YOU! More than you'll ever know!
One thing I see on occasion, in FB comments or elsewhere, is "I hear that all the time" or "oh, that's so common." Did anyone ever think this person is a novice? new to the hobby? Maybe just wanted to report what they considered to be dx? A long time ago, I got sick of certain uppity, pompous jerks, whether in life, at work, in other areas of life. You don't need it. I don't need it. Let them wallow. I will not. There are some people who I've stayed away from for years. They are toxic. They are ugly. Die on the vine, please! Many have contributed to this effort. People/dx'ers have come & gone, passed away, or lost interest, but for the love and the good of the hobby, this is still here and I sincerely, graciously thank each one of you.
DX is LUCK along with going after what is out there! It's trying and trying and trying...a lot!!! I thoroughly enjoy seeing what is accomplished by my dx brethren! Many, many thousands of great catches though the FORTY YEARS of this effort! Sincerely, thank YOU all, and still, there are new things being added, MONTH AFTER MONTH, YEAR AFTER YEAR and DECADE UPON DECADE! When other people bemoan and complain, you folks are logging and hearing NEW & RARE stuff, not reported elsewhere!!! Believe it! Never doubt your own accomplishments! Period! The ATTITUDE is GRATITUDE. . . for everything. Good or bad. These things teach!
Please remember, that everything on this website has a reason for being there. If you skip around, there's hundreds of pages. Easy to read. No in-fighting as one can see on several FB pages. It gets old! Like you at your place in life, everyone knows how to run your life better than you. Through the years, a few suggestions have been sent in. One, years ago, was to have an Eastern, Western DX sections. This, from someone who never once sent in a dx tip. No skin in the game. There has been something said that a call change from Oregon was not reported. Um, the name is mid-AMerica, thus, the focus on call and format changes from mid-AMerica. Duh. It's not really not that hard to figure out. Is it? Anyhoo, other things/ideas/suggested have been implemented and a serious big thank you to those who have gone the extra mile. Your kindnesses and words have stayed though this effort for decades!
This effort, DX-midAMerica, is an effort of love for the hobby. This is the culmination of 50+ years of dxing, FORTY years of this effort, both the bulletin, begun on NOVEMBER 15TH,1981 and the website, begun on SEPTEMBER 3RD, 1997. IE:25+ years on the net, UPDATED DAILY! Hello! It is the best that can be done. Check other sites. Efforts that are not updated and are basically message boards, likes or fights/taunts between people, or someone who hijacks a website. Look at how someone hogs a site or is a total "wise ass" in other regards. No shortcuts here are taken, and one gets sick and tired of listening to the crybabies out there, or even idiots. Here you get the satisfaction of accomplishment (a new log, rare log or one you are proud of,) get value, and will not get let down. In doing this daily, you will not be let down. This is cared for very highly. I will dig, and claw, and scratch, and dig more, and every bit of effort for the dx tips, the breakdown of such, the effort and information herein and put that into this effort. Never, do I do not want to come out looking as there's no effort. Never. That is failure. I am not arrogant but I hold disdain for inefficiency and inadequacy. When did mediocrity become the new norm? Be the best you can. People can dish is out but they can't take it. Often times I have wondered if folks like themselves, because of the ways they treat and have disdain for others. I'd never treat a dog like that!
When not dx'ing, traveling or walking with the dog, a few pages have seen major additions. You might want to check out what life has to offer. If there's no dx, and that happens, there's always something to add here here and here. This really beats watching TV where upwards of 20 minutes per hour is commercials! BTW, Baby Girl (the AMerican Fox Hound) and I have now walked 7600+ miles in the NINE years we have been together! God love the absolute true friends of mine who always go out for l o n g walks, and I mean long walks! 50+ year FRIEND, Janet put Baby Girl & myself together and is certainly a friend for life! We've gone through a lot, but friends are friends. Nice to see someone who still looks good in a dress! Still a "hottie!" Ups, downs, period. Now too, with summer and warmer weather, there's a ton more walking, and the weeks of cold will be made up. She loves to walk! On this end, I've been blessed with good, decent friendships. Some for 50+ years!
The DX on the DX-midAMerica website basically goes back to 2014. The site has been up since 1997 and to be honest, there have been pages wiped out, things/pages or parts of pages are, and have been lost in cyberspace, etc. Days where the provider has been down and slight and major changes in HTML coding, and really, there's only so much space. Angelfire gets knocked down about 3-4 times a year: hackers usually. Things happen and really, nothing is ever guaranteed. That's in the Terms of Service. On this end, the UP MICHIGAN page was mostly wiped out, the miscellaneous page was mostly obliterated also, and the Services pages. They have all been rebuilt and seem better than ever. There's no guarantee that things/copies/etc cannot be wiped out. Nothing is really guaranteed. That, too, is in the regulations of the provider. From this end, one can go years with nothing happening, then things can/might happen. Cars break, so does plumbing as do websites/pages, and even people wear out. Still, after all this time, this effort is still truckin'!
Again, a very, very sincere thank you to the folks who have made this possible in FIVE DECADES, from that first bulletin, November 15, 1981, and the transformation to the internet in 1997, way ahead of quite a few/most others. Others too started and dropped their efforts. Certainly keeping up with so many changes has been to say the least, interesting. In 1981, there was so post/pre-sunrise authority, as everything was a daytimer or a full time outlet. There was no AM or FM IBOC, AM stereo never caught on, nor did FM Quad. Remember that? Then FM translators, TV channel reconfiguration, a few times, multiple station ownership, ownership breakdowns, station clusters are a few examples of the changes that come to mind. In 1981, there was no satellite feeding of formats. In 2001 there were almost no live dj's! All voice tracking or satellite! In 1981, there were still AM Top 40's though they were dying. FM Hot Hits was a few years away. AoR was big on FM. There was 24/7 live radio, believe it or not. No internet, etc. Now, sadly, the local disc jockey is like the do-do bird, save morning drive. The ability of the internet to stream or possibly reshape or redefine radio was something not even dreamed of in 1981. Social media, or so it's called, was not dreamed of yet. A few clubs the editor (me) was in: The San Diego DX club and Speedex, have folded. I have dropped out of (quit) two of the clubs I was in. Loggings sent in over & over were never used, or being told I "reported too much!" Do you really need someone to "like" your dx or tell you it was a good catch? If it was good to you and you liked it, that was good enough! Or, when a prominent dx'er passes away, "(fill in the blank) likes this!" Huh? Other clubs/organizations/sites have died too, and that is sad. There were some good ones! There might be reasons for this. Things might be over my head or things not understood, but that's life...or death. Sad. Still, these are 'the good old days' as they say. There's nobody in this effort named Debbie Downer. The best is ahead! Take it to the bank!