
Here is a listing of all the FMs heard from the great NORTHEAST! CT DE DC MD ME NH NJ RI & VT! The first number is the month and where it was heard from! IE:7-MT would mean July from Montana! This feature will be run monthly so we can all lick our chops on those great Es catches, in lieu of any Es logging. Still, it is there. Just a matter of being there to catch. * denotes a newer addition to this listing! Formats or slogans are listed at the end of the list, where possible. A sincere thank you to the reporters who make this feature possible! CURRENT THROUGH NOVEMBER 2023!
88.1 WMNR CT Monroe 6-WI WYPR MD Baltimore 5-WI 6-WI 88.3 WRAU MD Ocean City 5-MI 6-IL 6-MI 6-MI 6-WI 7-MI WEVS NH Nashua 6-IL 6-OH 6-ON WBGO NJ Newark 8-MI * WRAU NJ Ocean City 7-IL 7-IL 88.5 WNPR CT Norwich 6-IL WAMU DC Washington 6-MI 6-WI 7-IL WHCF ME Bangor 6-IN 6-MI 6-MI 6-MI 6-OH 6-OH 7-IL 7-MI 7-OH 7-OH 8-MI REL WEVS NH Nashua 6-IL 88.7 NONE 88.9 WJMJ CT Hartford 6-WI 7-IL REL WMDR ME Oakland 7-IL WBZC NJ Pemberton 7-IL 89.1 WEVO NH Concord 6-IL 6-ON 6-WI 7-IL 7-MI 7-OH 7-WI 8-WI 89.3 WEVO NH Concord 7-IL WFJS NJ Freehold REL 7-MI 8-MI * 89.5 WSCL MD Salisbury 6-FL 89.7 WTBP ME Bath REL:Relevant Radio 6-MI * WMED ME Calais 6-MI 6-MI * WDVR NJ Delaware Township 8-MI * WRDR NJ Freehold Township 8-MI * WGLS NJ Glassboro 6-MN 89.9 NONE 90.1 NONE 90.3 WETA DC Washington 5-OH 10-OH 11-OH WXBP ME Corinth REL:Relevant 8-MI * WNJO NJ Toms River 7-MI * 90.5 NONE 90.7 WEVH NH Keene 6-IL 90.9 WETA DC Washington 8-OH 10-PA 91.1 WSHU CT Fairfield 6-IL 91.3 WNPR CT Norwich 7-FL WVUD DE Newark 8-MI * WESM MD Princess Anne 6-WI WRTQ NJ Ocean City 6-IL 91.5 WGRS CT Guilford 7-IL 91.7 NONE 91.9 WYFP ME Harpswell 6-ON 7-MI 8-WI WFWM MD Frostburg 9-OH WGTS MD Takoma Park 7-NE 8-OH 8-OH WBNJ NJ Barnegat 7-NE 8-MI WXPJ NJ Hacketstown 8-MI * 92.1 WLBW DE French Island 6-MI WVLT NJ Vineland Cruisin 92.1 8-MI * 92.3 WERQ MD Baltimore 6-IL 7-MI WMME ME Augusta 6-IL 6-MI 7-MI WGXL NH Hanover 7-WI WPRO RI Providece 6-MI 7-IL 92.5 WWYZ CT Waterbury 8-AL 92.7 WWXT MD Prince Frederick 7-MI WQDY ME Calais 7-OH WOBM NJ Toms River 7-IL WKVT VT Battleboro 6-IL 92.9 WEZQ ME Bangor 6-MI 7-MI 7-MI WLZQ ME Portland 7-WI WEZF VT Burlington 6-MI 7-MI 7-ON 7-WI 8-OH 9-OH Star 92-9 93.1 WMGX ME Portland 6-IL 6-ON 6-WI 7-MI 7-WI 7-MI 8-WI WPOC MD Baltimore 6-WI 7-WI WEZW NJ Wildwood Crest 8-WI 93.3 WSNE RI Providence 6-IL 7-IL 93.5 WCTB ME Fairfield 6-MI 6-MN 93.7 WZMX CT Hartford 6-IL WSTW DE Wilmington 6-KS 7-MB 9-OH HotAC 93.9 WKYS DC Washington 6-MI 6-OH WARX ME Lewiston 6-MI 7-WI 94.1 WFTN NH Franklin 6-ON 6-ON 94.3 WYBC CT New Haven 6-IL R&B WCYY ME Biddeford 6-AL 6-ON 6-ON 6-WI 7-IL 7-WI WBTN VT Bennington 6-IL EDUC 94.5 WKSQ ME Ellsworth 6-OH 6-OH WNJO NJ Trenton 4-OH 6-KS 7-KS 94.7 WARW MD Bethesda 6-AL 6-WI 7-MB 10-PA 94.9 WHOM NH Mt.Washington 6-WI 95.1 WRBS MD Baltimore 7-WI WAYV NJ Atlantic City 6-AL 5-MI 7-MI 7-MI 7-WI 8-MI 95.3 WALZ ME Machias 6-ON WWWA ME Winslow 8-WI WSKX ME York Center 6-ON "Kiss95-3" 95.5 WPGC MD Morningside 6-MI 7-MI 10-OH WCLZ ME Tapstown 7-IL 8-WI 95.7 WKSS CT Hartford 7-IL Kiss Top40 WMMJ ME Ellsworth 7-IL 8-WI 95.9 WPEI ME Saco 7-IL 96.1 WQHR ME Presque Isle Top40:Q96.1 7-MI * 96.3 WUHR DC Washington 10-PA WJAB ME Gray-Portland 6-MI thebigjab.com/ 96.5 NONE 96.7 WTSA VT Brattleboro 6-MT 96.9 NONE 97.1 WEAI ME Bangor 6-OH 7-MI 97.3 WZBG CT Litchfield 7-IL W247AO NH Plymouth 6-IL WENJ NJ Millville SPO:ESPN 6-IL 6-IL 97.5 WOKQ NH Dover 6-IL WOKQ NH Portsmouth C&W 7-MI * WPST NJ Trenton 6-KS 7-KS "PST" Top40 WTNN VT Bristol 7-MI * 97.7 WAFL DE Milford 7-KS "Eagle 97.7" AoR WNSX ME Winter Harbor 6-IL 6-MI 6-OH 7-OH 7-WI WMDM MD Leamington Park 6-WI NOS 97.9 WPXX CT Enfield 7-WI Kix WJBQ ME Portland 6-MI Q97 dot 9 Top40 98.1 NONE 98.3 WLNH NH Laconia 6-ON 98.5 WEBB ME Waterville 6-ON 98.7 NONE 98.9 WCLZ ME North Yarmouth AAA 6-IL 7-WI WOKO VT Burlington 6-IL 99.1 WLKE ME Bar Harbor 6-ON 7-MI WNEW MD Bowie 6-WI 7-WI 10-OH AllNews WNNH NH Henniker 6-OH 99.3 WFRD NH Hanover 99 Rock 6-IL WSAX NJ Pleasantville 7-KS 99.5 WIHT DC Washington 10-OH 99.7 NONE 99.9 WEZN CT Bridgeport 4-MI 5-FL Star WWFG MD Ocean City 4-MI 6-OH 7-WI 7-WI Froggy 100.1 WJRZ NJ Manahawkin 7-MI * 100.3 WKIT ME Brewer 7-WI WHEB NH Portsmouth 6-AL 7-WI 100.5 WRCH CT New Britian 7-WI WRBY-LP MD Salisbury ETHnic 100w! 5-MI * 100.7 WZXL NJ Wildwood 6-AL 100.9 WYNZ ME South Portland Rewind 100.9 7-MI * 101.1 WWDC DC Washington 10-PA "DC101" WGIR NH Manchester 6-MI * 101.3 WVQM ME Augusta 7-MI 7-WI TALK 101.5 WKXW NJ Trenton 7-MI NJ101.5 * WWBB RI Providence 7-WI 101.7 WZEB DE Ocean View Power 101.7. 5-MI * 101.9 WPOR ME Portland 7-MI * 102.1 NONE 102.3 NONE 102.5 WBOC MD Princess Anne 5-MI * 102.7 NONE 102.9 WDRC CT Hartford 6-KS WROG MD Cumberland 10-PA "Hit Country 102.9" 103.1 NONE 103.3 NONE 103.5 WGMS DC Washington 9-VA 10-PA 103.7 WMGM NJ Atlantic City 9-OH WNNJ NJ Newton 6-KS 7-KS WVEI RI Westerly //WEEI SPOrts 7-MI * 103.9 WVOM ME Howland 7-MI NewsTALK WOCQ MD Berlin OC 104 5-MI * 104.1 NONE 104.3 NONE 104.5 NONE 104.7 WQHQ MD Salisbury 6-MI 7-KS 104.9 NONE 105.1 WTOS ME Skowhegan 7-WI * WWLI RI Providence 6-KS 105.3 WFRB MD Frostburg 9-OH 10-PA C&W 105.5 WBYA ME Islesboro 6-MI WFMX ME Skowhegan 6-MI WDHA NJ Dover 7-KS 105.7 WCHR NJ Manahawkin 6-AL 105.9 WBCI ME Bath 7-MI 7-WI * REL 106.1 WKGO MD Cumberland 9-PA "Go106" WBBX MD Pocomoke City 5-MI * WMEM ME Presque Isle 7-MI 7-OH NPR 106.3 NONE 106.5 WMEF ME Fort Kent 7-MI NPR WWMX MD Baltimore 6-WI 106.7 WIZN VT Vergennes The Wizard 7-MI * 106.9 WBQX ME Thomaston Cl HITS:Frank FM 7-WI * WARX MD Hagerstown 2-OH 107.1 NONE 107.3 WRQX DC Washington 6-WI 9-VA 10-PA "Mix107.3" WBZN ME Old Town 7-MI Z107.3 Top40 WPUR NJ Atlantic City 6-AL 107.5 WFNK ME Lewiston 7-MI * 107.7 WKHI DE Georgetown 6-WI C&W WFNX ME Portland 7-WI Cl HITS 107.9 WFFX ME Skowhegan 7-MI