Welcome to the
DX-midAMerica Alberta HOT List. Some of our HOT-LISTS have AM and FM listings. The Alberta listing will list only AM radio stations.
The scrapbook idea was born with the Wisconsin Scrapbook in 1985 and has mushroomed to 18 political units being HOT-LISTED! The name was changed from Scrapbook to Hot List in 2000. Changes are added as needed and come from your reports to DX-midAMerica.com
NEW! 2 1 25
1060 CKMX Calgary 50000/50000 SILENT BUYER:Akash Broadcasting Inc.1/31 crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2025/2025-18.htm#bm6
AM stations by city:
660 CFFR Calgary 50000/50000 NEWS:660 NewsRadio
770 CHQR Calgary 50000/50000 NEWS-TALK
960 CFAC Calgary 50000/50000 "SPORTSRadio 960 The Fan" SPO:ESPN
1010 CBR Calgary 50000/50000 "CBC Radio 1"
1060 CKMX Calgary 50000/50000 SILENT BUYER:Akash Broadcasting Inc.1/31 crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2025/2025-18.htm#bm6
840 CFCW Camrose 50000/50000 C&W [790]
580 CHAH Edmonton 10000/10000 South Asian/Punjabi "R Sursangam" [CHBA]
740 CBX Edmonton 50000/50000 CBC
880 CHED Edmonton 50000/50000 News-TALK [630]
930 CJCA Edmonton 50000/50000 Contemp Christian
1140 CHRB High River 50000/50000 C&W [CKXL Calgary]
1440 CKJR Wataskiwin 10000/10000 SPO:Sports 1440 sports1440.ca/