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Deborah's Profiler Page

Hello Profiler fans, I'm Deborah. As you can see, this is my homepage, but it's always under construction. I'm just getting started. It'll be better soon. See ya. Feel free to drop me an e-mail. I'd love to hear what you think.

This is Dr. Samantha Waters, who is a Profiler for the FBI's Violent Crimes Task Force

This is a picture of John, Sam and Bailey.

This is a picture of the whole cast. Grace Alvarez, John Grant, Nathan Brubaker, Samantha Waters, Bailey Malone and George.

This is a picture of Sam again.

This is a pitcure of Bailey and Sam. Bailey is the head of the VCTF.

This is John. John is a former Atlanta PD officer. He joined the VCTF, then breifly left to go back to the PD, but was shortly back. He is very good friends with Sam.

This is most of the cast of Profiler. From left to right, Nathan Brubaker, John Grant, Samantha Waters, Bailey Malone, and Grace Alvarez.

This is the story of Profiler. There is a serial killer nicknamed "Jack of all Trades". Sam is the object of his obsessions. He wants to have her to himself. So he kills people that are in some way connected to her. Years ago, he killed her husband Tom, who was a professor. He is Chloe's father. After that tragedy, Sam, who is the best criminal profiler in the field, went into hiding with her friend, Angel Brown, and Chloe, for three years. Angel took care of Chloe and Sam. And then when Jack resurfaced, Bailey went and talked Sam into returning. Sam, Angel and Chloe live in a guarded fire house with cameras linked directly to VCTF headquarters. Chloe has actually seen Jack, the night he killed her father. But he was wearing a disguise, so that is no help.
Click here to go to my links page

Credit for some of the pictures on this page should go to Clarabelle. To go to her Profiler page, click here.

Credit for some more of these pictures should go to Sarah, the owner of Only You, Only Me.

Credit for even more should go to Becky Marie, and her Profiler page.

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