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Observing the Goodness of God

This was the first Mother/Daughter banquet at New Testament Baptist! It is not a typical theme for this type of banquet, but it was on my heart for quite some time.

I decorated with planets and stars.
For the tables, I used blue tablecloths. Down the center I ran silver star garland and sprinkled silver stars all over the table. For the centerpieces I used balloon weights from the Dollar Store. They are a spray of stars and silver. I also bought glass star candy dishes from the Dollar Store. I put two on each table with large M&Ms inside.

To give to each lady I found magnetic bag clips shaped like stars and attached them to the napkins. For the children, I made star keychains. I bought precut sticky foam shapes, stuck 3 stars together and added a smaller star to each side. I put a keychain in and that is it...very simple.

I have uploaded the files for the tickets, program and games...they are all in Microsoft Publisher that way you can make changes to fit your needs. If you do not have Publisher, e-mail me and I will reformat the files to fit your needs.

Ticket File

Bulletin File


Galaxy Match - Download the gameboard and the pieces. You can do this several ways. You can make up a permanent gameboard to give everyone. The way I did it was a bit of a headache but it worked. I used the gamepieces provided for you below. I cut them all out and put one set in a sandwich bag for each person (there are two sets per page). That way you can play as many times as you wish. I believer there will be one piece left over after they place them on their gameboards. Each person gets a gameboard and a bag of pieces. You have a set of pieces yourself...pick one out and tell what it is. The ladies decided to use the M&Ms on the table to keep track (I was just going to have them turn the pieces over when they were called).

Game Pieces

Name the Planet- This is a question and answer game. You read a fact about a planet and they tell you which planet it is. I have provided a fill in sheet you can give everyone or you can have them write on the back of their other gameboard.

Fill In Sheet

Here are the facts...

1. I spin opposite to the other planets.


2. I am the fastest spinning planet. I complete one revolution in less than 10 hours.


3. I am the most dense planet.


4. I am the lightest planet.


5. I am the home of the largest volcano found in the solar system.


6. I am the closest planet to the sun.


7. I was the first planet to be discovered that was not known in ancient times.


8. I am the farthest known planet from the sun in the solar system.


9. I am no longer known as a planet, I have a new status as a “dwarf planet”.


We had a meal of chicken legs, potato skins, coleslaw and green beans...nothing fancy. For dessert I made a planet cake...don't laugh...


Here is the devotion that I gave. It is not a real fancy outline maybe you can improve it.

Observing the Goodness of God
Psalm 107:8, 15, 21, 31
verse 8 - Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

As I was reading through the book of Psalms, this chapter jumped out at me. Verse 8 is in this chapter 4 times. My dad used to say that every verse is important, but when a verse or thought repeats itself you really need to pay attention. The thought of this verse must really be important to the Lord for it to be repeated 3 times in one chapter.

This chapter is talking about the children of Israel in the wilderness and how much God did for them. He rescued them, satisfied their hunger, He delivered them out of all of their distresses. It looks to me like all He wanted was for them to be thankful and praise Him for what He had done. After each use of this verse it talks about some other trouble they are in and God delivering them again. I think one of their biggest mistakes was forgetting what God had done for them. The Bible talks about them whining all the time. They did not have this attitude of thanksgiving and praise to God.

verse 43 - Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD.

Observe what things? This chapter lists the things God did for the children of Israel. If we are wise, we will consciously look for the goodness of God. This is where the theme for this banquet came from. It has been on my heart that we need to observe the goodness of God. So many times we whine and grumble about our circumstances in life. We don’t even pay attention to the little blessings God sends our way. I bet it really greaves the Lords heart when he does something for us and we don’t even acknowledge it. I have read about the children of Israel in the wilderness and have wondered how right after God did something for them they are grumbling and complaining again. Well, I saw it in my own life when we were missionaries with Rock of Ages. God would miraculously provide something for us and the next problem would arise and instead of trusting God I would try to figure out in my mind what we could possibly do or how we could get through. I just watched God perform miracles…why was I doubting now? We have a sin nature and because of that nature I guess we are naturally doubtful. I am going to give you 5 ways to help us observe the goodness of God.

1. Be Thankful – Ps 107:1 – Col 3:15-17
2. Tell others of God’s goodness. – Ps 107:2 – Ps108:3-4
3. Keep a song in your heart – Ephesians 5:19-20 – Acts 16:25 – Col 3:16
4. Praise the Lord continually – Ps 107…Ps 148-150
Start your prayers with praise
5. Forget not

Psalms 103
1 Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

When God does something for you, write it down. Keep a journal of what God has done for you. At least once a week look back on the week and remember no matter how small, what God has done in your life. I started a journal when we were with ROA. I am really glad I have a record of some of the ways God provided for us. I can look back on that and have confidence that whatever I am going through is for a purpose and God will take care of me.

Ps 107:43
Purposely look for good things. Mothers, teach your children to watch for God’s blessings in their life. If we dwell on negative things we are going to be unthankful. You know, typically when you give a kid everything they want they become unthankful and begin to expect things to be handed to them. It makes me happy when my children are appreciative. I wonder if sometimes God holds back blessings because of our unthankful attitude. He does not owe us anything yet we expect much from Him sometimes.

The Bible says wisdom is the principle thing…one of the signs of wisdom according to Psalm 107 is learning to observe the goodness of God.