The Jubilee Song
                                     1. It' s   a time of joy, a time of peace, a time when hearts are then set
                                     free. A time to heal the wounds of division . It' s   a time of grace , a
                                     time of  hope, a time of sharing the gifts we have. A time to build the
                                     world that    is  one.
                                     *    It ' s    the  time  to  give  thanks  to  the father, Son and Spiril . And
                                     with Mary, our mother, we sing this song.
                                     **  Open  your hearts to the Lord and begin to see the mystery. That
                                     we are altogether as one family. No  more walls, no more chains , no
                                     more selfishness and closed doors. For we are in the fullness of God's
                                     time. It's the time of the great Jubilee.
                                     2. It's a time of prayer, a time of praise, a time to lift our hands to God.
                                     A  time   to recall all our graces . It's a time to touch,   a   time to reach
                                     those hearts that often wander. A time to bring the back to God's
                                                                                      *,  **
                                                                                   It's the time of the great Jubilee.
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