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Overseas Childcare

Here, I will be explaining about what you need to know when you are raising your child in a foreign country.

Know the medical system

Whenever you plan to use the medical services of the country you are staying, it is important to know the medical system of the country.

For example, if your child gets sick, there are countries where you have to judge the symptom and visit the right specialist without any referrals. In most countries, you go to the primary care physician, and in some countries you go directly to the specialist, yes, the pediatrician.

In some countries you do not get a prescription but receive the medicine from the doctor and not from the pharmacist. So each country has a different medical system and you need to find this out first.

Looking for the right doctor for your child

When you move to a foreign country with your child, the first thing you may want to find out is the doctor for your child.  You never know when your child may get sick or have an accident.

Find out which doctor is highly recommended by the people you meet. You may have to find out what your health insurance may say first.  However, remember that for one family Dr. A.  might be an excellent doctor but for another family, Dr. A.  could be the worst match.  So find out what you are looking for in your child’s doctor and if she or he meets those criteria, then he or she must be the right doctor for you and your child.  Also pediatricians with good network with other specialists are very important.

Even if he or she may be the right doctor, you also need to be a good well prepared patient.

Before visiting your doctor,

Different country, different ways

One of the exciting things about raising your child overseas is the opportunity to know the practices related to raising children of that particular country.

When you bring up your child never to drink water from the tap, then he/she will continue to drink mineral water even after you return to your own country where tap water is safe to drink.

Perhaps you will get advice from the health nurse of the country, which you may not agree. In such case, just listen and try it anyway. For example, you may not used to giving daily vitamin D to your baby, but in some countries where you do not get much sun, it is important to have that Vitamin D for the health of the child.

If you feel uncomfortable with the suggestions of the health nurse of the country, then go back the way you are used to. But surprisingly, you may find out that such method may be better in that country whereas maybe not in your home country. I have enjoyed carrying my daughter in a sarong. (a piece of cloth used to wrap around the waist in Indonesia)


Each country has its own immunization schedule. It will be helpful if you know in advance what sort of immunization is required for the children of the country. If you are concerned about the hygiene situation of the country, you may want to have your child immunized in your home country or when you go back for home leave.

In third world countries and some industrialized countries, BCG is a requirement. Be prepared that it may not be a drop of polio, but a shot, or a shot like a stamp, or a shot on the shoulder, thigh, or buttocks.



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