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The Almighty Gangrel

Ring Name: Gangrel

Real Name: David Heath

Home Town: Tampa, Flordia

Birth Day: February 16th

Height/Weight: 6'3/250 lbs.

Previous Identity's: Vampire Warrior and The Phantom

Finisher: Brain Buster DDT

Awards Won: Rookie of the Year in 1993

Titles Won: None in the WWF

Description: Gangrel is the leader of The Brood. He and Edge appeared to be arch-enemies , attacking each other whenever possible. Soon, Gangrel picked up Edge's brother Christian as his "protege". They even attacked Edge together, yet soon, the 2 were reunited, excepting the mighty Gangrel as their leader/ Gangrel is apparently a morbic type of "vampire". A matter of fact, his name, Gangrel, is the name of a Clan is the Customoizable Card Game called Vampire: The Masqurade, made by White Wolf Inc.

Here are some pictures of Gangrel before competing in the WWF.

Gangrel Pictures
