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Cheerio! This page used to contain an awesome movie of a cheerio spinning in a cathedral with neon lights flashing on it and a fire burning beneath it, but I cannot figure out how to play MPEGS on this site, and I do not feel like deleting the cheerio link off the bottom of every page, so I've decided to make this into a page dedicated to Cheerios!

cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio! cheerio!cheerio! cheerio!cheerio! cheerio!