Blind Faith - Quiz & Trivia

Welcome to the Quiz & Trivia page! You will find this a bit of fun, possibly challenging your knowledge of the group Blind Faith and their legacy. Let's begin this by offering a few bits of trivia, then several quiz questions to stimulate your memory and thought process.

You will find the correct answers to the quiz on the "BF News & Other Information" page (listed below). Good luck answering the quiz questions!!!

BF News & Other Information page

Did you know that Eric Clapton was a tinkerer with guitar equipment, and at times experimented with customizing his guitar components to bring a certain sound from the instruments?

Did you know that Ric Grech was born in southern France, relocated with his family (no pun, his real biological family!) to midland Great Britain, and as a teenager was destined to become a classical musician?

And did you know that Ginger Baker was an avid long-distance cyclist in his younger years, developing his extraordinary lower body conditioning which allowed him to perform powerfully in his bass drum playing?

One more - Did you know that Blind Faith was going to perform at the Newport Pop Music Festival a day or two before opening at New York's Madison Square Garden? And the reason that gig was cancelled was that local officials felt that the planned security was not sufficient to control a throng of potentially violent youngsters that would most likely congregate at an outdoor festival?? So close, but that North American tour opener was not to happen, because of paranoid officialdom...........

More trivia coming, and we'll change some of these tidbits as other ideas come.......

Quiz Time - Posted 6 Nov '99

1) Who came up with the group's name?

2) How many bass drums did Ginger Baker use during concert performances?

3) As additional material to perform during concerts, which of other group's music did Blind Faith perform?

4) Who was the photographer/designer for the original Blind Faith album cover artwork? What was her/his nationality?

4) Who created the enigmatic spaceship held by the vestal virgin on the original Blind Faith album cover? What does that image symbolize?

More quiz & trivia coming soon, from Uncle Olivier's stash of brain teasers......

BF News & Other Information page

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