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Hi Everybody!

If you didn't already hear, I am an aunt.
Yep that's right! I have a nephew. and he's a cutie too!
If you don't believe me, take a look at the pictures yourself, and you decide!

Here's a few pictures of the little guy.

He is my sister (and brother-in-law)'s kid.
He was born Saturday, March 18, 2000 at 9:48 am
He was 8 pounds, 10 ounces and 21 inches at birth.
Currently he is about 14 pounds and 24 inches tall!

His name is Robert James
(Yes, he has a last name, but for security purposes, I won't mention it.)

Robert James #4.jpg Robert James #5.jpg Robert James #7.jpg Robert James #9 Robert James #12.jpg

Yes, he is holding onto a Beanie BABY NOT a Beanie Buddy.
Robert really is that small!

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