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His Bachelor Days Behind Him, PORT CHARLES’s Michael Dietz Tells How He Survived Dating Hell

From Soap Opera Digest, 1999

Just the Facts
Bizarro Birthday Coincidence: Dietz shares a birthday - February 10 - with co-stars Jay Pickett (Frank) and Sarah Aldrich (Courtney)
LIGHT Year: He played GUIDING LIGHT’s Alan-Michael from 1996-97
Toughest Challenge: "My parents divorced when I was a kid. I had no brothers or sisters; so it made me very independent."
A Man With a Plan: "I have no doubt that I’m going to have a $10-million home and be doing films. That may sound like I’m a pompous ass, but to me, it’s just being confident."
Top Priorities: "I’m on the show for another year and a half, and that’s my first priority. When a year and a half comes, I’ll make a decision. I’m also writing a screenplay that my friend will finance and direct."
Key to Happiness: "Look at the positive and find enjoyment in everything!"

Sometime before the dawn of Y2K, both Michael Dietz and his PORT CHARLES alter ego, Dr. Joe Scanlon, are likely to kiss bachelorhood good-bye. Joe is betrothed to fellow M.D. Karen Wexler, and Dietz has committed himself to fellow soap actor Arianne Zuker (Nicole, DAYS OF OUR LIVES). But odds are Digest will land the advance scoop on PC’s fictitious pair first - that’s because a pair of high-profile relationships with soap actresses has taught Dietz to keep his lips zipped when it comes to discussing off-screen entanglements. "I don’t want to divulge what it is I see in her or what we do for fun," says the Pennsylvania-born Dietz of his fiancée. "I just think it’s a really personal thing. We’re together. We love each other very much. We’re getting married, and that’s it."

Dietz does confide, however, that he and Zuker have yet to set a date. And he also confides that he doesn’t know why anyone would be interested in his dating habits in the first place. "Probably because I dated Michelle Stafford [ex-Phyllis, YOUNG AND RESTLESS] and then Jennifer Sky [ex-Sarah, GENERAL HOSPITAL] for a short time, and all of a sudden, I’m dating Arianne Zuker," theorizes the actor. "But I really hate dating. I’m so happy I found the one. The idea of [being labeled] a ‘playboy’ makes me feel like I should be in some robe smoking a pipe." During his search for "the one," the actor admits he encountered a vast variety of maidens. "Oh, God, I had some miserable dates," he sighs. "Some were fake in every way, shape and form. Or they’d show up at your door with 40 pounds of [emotional] baggage left over from past relationships. But the biggest thing was they wanted to go out to clubs until 4 in the morning and get drunk every night. I was like, ‘I don’t want somebody like that.’ It gets so frustrating; you think you’re never going to find anyone."

Of course, a single man in Tinseltown does face unique challenges. "At some point, it seemed they’d all break out their modeling books," says Dietz. "Or they’d say ‘I was always thinking of getting into acting.’ It seems everybody in this town wants to be an actor. You grow up in California and that’s your destiny - no matter what!"

Despite this, Dietz admits that he has no reservations about the fact that he and Zuker share the same profession. "I came back around and realized that it’s almost necessary that I date an actress," he states. "They’re really the people who understand what you’re going through. If you find the right one - if you’re lucky enough - you can really help each other understand things."

Ranking high in the category of "things only another actor could understand" is watching your mate mating with someone else on-screen. While Zuker has had to put up with Dietz’s reel-life sexcapades with Jennifer Hammon (Karen) for many months, Dietz has just now been confronted with Zuker’s televised romps with her on-screen love interest, Jensen Ackles (Eric). "I don’t have a problem with it, but I won’t watch it," he shrugs. "I really don’t want to see my fiancée making out with someone else - if I can avoid it. And she won’t watch mine, either, nor would I expect her to."

Ironically enough, despite his formidable on-screen chemistry with Hammon, Dietz concedes that they spend little time together once the cameras stop rolling. "Off-set, Jennifer and I do our own thing," he explains. "A lot of people think actors who have good chemistry hang out at the set, but I’d say I’ve called Jennifer twice in the year and a half [that PC’s been in production]. I hang out more with Sarah [Aldrich, Courtney] and Jay [Pickett, Frank]. We’re Joe and Karen, and that’s it."

Which is not to say that Dietz doesn’t appreciate the professional sparks he shares with Hammon. "I was just talking to Ari about this," says Dietz, who acknowledges that he shared "nada" chemistry with former GL wife Sonia Satra (ex-Lucy; ex-Barbara, ONE LIFE TO LIVE). "A lot of times chemistry’s just there. I don’t think you can force it. Sometimes you just click with somebody, whether it’s looks of the backgrounds of the actors involved. But whatever it is, I know Jennifer and I have great chemistry. It’s been so easy."

Having found happiness on-screen and off, Dietz values the experiences he’s had along the way. "You learn so much from people, even if you’re never meant to be with each other," he smiles. "It helps you be more concise about what it is you’re actually looking for. You might toss off some of the qualities on your list of things you thought you wanted. For me, I had to go through ‘X’ amount of relationships to find the right person. And now I have."

Late For a Very Important Date
If you’re making plans with Dietz, make sure to synchronize your watches. "I hate late," he grins. One former date found out just how important punctuality is to the actor. "It was my first date with this girl, and I was going to a friend’s birthday party," he recalls. "And she showed up 15 minutes to a half-hour late - just as I was getting in my car to leave. She asked where I was going, and I just said, ‘I’m going to the birthday party. See ya later.’ I left and that was it. I have this real thing about being late. I have no tolerance for that. It’s an insult…a waste of my time."