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Welcome to the Unofficial Black Eyed Peas Website.

  • 1/3/99- Just some minor stuff today, I added the Frames/No Frames entrance so that more people could have access to this site. I know that even though I have added Navigation Bars that the people without frames will still not have full access to all the features of the site. May I suggest downloading Netscape 4.0?

  • 1/2/99- I have gotten around to adding that guestbook and chat room, I still don't know about the message board yet though, hopefully that will be up by next Friday.

  • 1/1/99- I have added a quiz to the right, changed the links on the left to images, I will have added a chat room and message board by the end of the week, I changed my counter, and will be adding a new Black Eyed Peas Search Engine. The one I have now is OK, but the one I am getting is better.

  • 12/22/98- Well, I finally fixed the lyrics. All the links were defunct. I will have some more lyrics after Christmas and hopefully some more Real Audio

  • 12/22/98- It has come to my attention that this site has been added to Yahoo. I am in desperate need of help on this site. If you have any interest in helping me build a growing site, Click Here

  • 12/21/98- I have finally gotten the Lyrics Section up. Important:These are Lyrics for the Real Audio songs only. They are listed along side of their song in the RA Section. All links are forwarded there.

  • 12/20/98- I have started up the Real Audio Section But I still need a lot of other RA files. Help me out

  • 12/19/98- There have been some new updates to the Picture Section. I am still trying to get some more pics of the full band.

****  A big Shout out to Admrial Mitch for helping me get this site up and working on the Picture Section Nice Work Mitch. You can E-Mail Mitch at

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